Chapter 2

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"Jungkook you're training again this year?" Namjoon had helped Jungkook, a 22-year-old alphatrain from the age of 16 but until this day, he had never stepped forward. "Hyungyou're asking the same question again?" Jungkook fired back with a smirk on hisface. Due to his extensive training over the years Jungkook's body was heavenlybut despite his dominating figure is was his soft facial features; big browndoe eyes, thin pink lips and a sharp jaw line that lured them in the most.Jungkook could have any non-royal omega he wanted, whenever he wanted which iswhat made Namjoon confused. 

"You haven't made a single advance to any non-royalomega and you won't step forward for any royal omega so for the sixth time I'mjust trying to figure out what exactly is going through that coconut head ofyours?" "Hyung don't think into too much okay, Seokjin hyung would have mewashing walls and cleaning vegetables right now and I'd feel lazy if I saweveryone else training and I wasn't. Plus, you enjoy my company don't deny it."Jungkook teased. Namjoon sighed, over these years he and Seokjin had built astrong relationship with Jungkook, he was basically their buff bunny lookingbaby. He couldn't deny that having Jungkook there made these months much morebearable. 

"So, are we just going to stand around here or are we going toactually learn something?" Yoongi a cold and distant alpha spoke up, boredomlacing his voice. Silence fell amongst the group, shock smacked on their faces.Yoongi trained, lived and hunted alone, and never had he attended training withthe group before because he never wished to marry into the royal family. Wellthat was what everyone assumed until now of course. "Wipe that look of yourfaces before I wipe it off myself. I'm only here to see the competition. Don'ttalk to me and there shouldn't be any problems." With that Namjoon looked atthe group of about 7-10 alphas, "um- Welcome everyone. You have 3 weeks untilthe mating ceremony and I will try my best to work with all of you both as ateam and individually to strengthen your weaknesses and give you the bestchance of survival. The next 3 weeks will be difficult but will be much easierif you work together instead of against each other. Let's begin."

Afterphysically and emotionally preparing himself to be in a closed space with hisfamily, Jimin was seated next to Taehyung and across from his mother by hisfather's butler Jeong-in who had summoned him for a "family meeting"

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Afterphysically and emotionally preparing himself to be in a closed space with hisfamily, Jimin was seated next to Taehyung and across from his mother by hisfather's butler Jeong-in who had summoned him for a "family meeting". He didn'tdare to look up, knowing that if he did he would be met with his mother'sice-cold piercing glare and his expressionless father whom would justcompletely ignore his presence. He was used to this treatment from his father,but his mother had only recently developed a loathing towards him as well andit took everything in him to stop the tears from brimming his eyes. "Taehyung Ihave heard around 9 alphas are planning to mate you this season" The king'seyes glistened with pride for his favourite son. Taehyung chuckled "Father Itold you non-royals are on a different level of stupidity. I bet every singleone of them knows they are going to die but still they sacrifice themselves.Not that I have pity for their worthless lives in any case." 

The whole tableerupted with laughter at Taehyung's "joke". Jimin found it disgusting how theyplayed with innocent peoples lives as if life was some game that you couldrestart at any time. "Although son, if they were indeed stupid they would havestepped forward for your disabled brother, but I guess even low-class peopledon't stoop that low." The king argued. Jimin had left the conversation at thispoint realising the only reason he was seated there was for them to degradehim. He recalled watching the alphas training this morning, he couldn't makeout their faces, but he didn't care what they looked like or how strong theywere. He was just hoping that maybe this year just one of them stood forward.He didn't need to boast about how 5 alphas fought to the death for him likeTaehyung did. 

He really only wanted one person to step forward, someone whoactually wanted to be with him and love him and cherish him even though hehasn't had his firs- "There will be four of you this year, the both of you andyour two cousins Lisa and Jennie" Jimin smiled at that, grateful that Jenniewould be there and that he was pulled from an overflowing and never-endingepisode of depressive thoughts. "I need the omegas to be working day in and dayout on the festival decorations" The queen mentioned, a disgusted look on herface at the thought of lower-class omegas. Jimin couldn't keep quiet at that..."the weather is still cold; the pups need to be kept warm or they'll die. Thatrequest is inhum-" The impact of his father's hand on the table in front of himhalted his words. 

For the first time Jimin looked up and his father wasseething, his scent becoming overpowering and a low growl could be heardemitting from deep in his chest. "YOU of all people don't have the right tomake decisions on what I do with my people. YOU would be at least tolerable ifyou didn't care so much for pathetic scums that barely have a cent. Their lifeis worthless when will you get that into that retarded skull of yours? Get out.I don't want to see you until the ceremony do you understand me?" Jimin simplynodded, leaving the room as hot thick tears rans down his cheeks, pooled at hischin and dripped onto his white dress shirt.

In hisroom his was met with Hoseok humming a melody whilst adding wood to thefireplace. "Jiminie I missed you... hey why are you crying?" Jimin fall to thefloor hugging his knees and sobbing hysterically. "I- Hyu- Hyung It's not.. notmy fault" Hoseok moved to sit next to Jimin pulling him to his chest, placinghis chin on head and releasing calming pheromones. Jimin's breath steadied andhe wasn't jolting from crying anymore. "Thank you Hyung" Jimin reallyappreciated Hoseok, it hasn't even been a day and he has already shown signs ofbeing a great friend. 

"Not a problem, Jiminie but why were you crying? Youdon't have to tell me if you don't want to." Hoseok panicked not trying topressure Jimin into doing anything he didn't want to. "Well- I haven't gone in-I mean... um- father yelled at me for saying that the omegas shouldn't be out towork yet because it's too cold." Jimin fumbled with his incomplete truth. "Why?The pups need to be kept warm in their nests this time of year. Your point itvalid." "I know but- but father says that their lives are worthless. I- I don'twant those pups to die Hyung." Jimin began tearing up noticing how angeredHoseok was at the thought of the little pups dying. "None of this is on youJimin, this is your father's doing. I'll try to warn them before the messagegets to the villagers so they can make arrangements for their pups. OkayJiminie? It'll be okay. We won't let any pups die."


Hi beautifuls! You've really done your best today i'm so proud of you. This is the second chapter i hope you enjoyed it. I know that its slow and sad right now but i promise things get better from here but then they get worse again and then they get better again so at least you made it over the first sad bit.  Do any of you think you know why everyone hates Jiminie :( ? Stay tuned for a surpise in the next chapter. Thanks Lovelies. <3

- C

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