Chapter 52

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This chapter is very gruesome  so sensitive beans you can skip everything after the first (-). You can find a summary at the end. Enjoy!

It was the day of the duel and Jimin had invited Seokjin and Hee-young over whilst it happened. Jimin would be there but Seokjin would want to say goodbye in case things didn't go well and someone needed to watch over Goo.

"You're so stupid!" Seokjin cried as he hugged the alpha. The older knew that even if he begged on his knees, Jungkook wouldn't change his mind. He had acquired the best of Namjoon's traits, the need to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

"I know." Jungkook smiled proudly, kissing the omega's forehead before picking Goo up.

"Goo, I need to ask you something really important okay?" He sat her on his lap whilst they looked at the river from the balcony. The little girl nodded, eager to have responsibility.

"Daddy might have to go away for a long time. But if daddy doesn't come back will you look after appa for me. He has a baby in his tummy like Seokjin oppa had so he needs lots of help okay?" Jungkook's throat hurt from trying to hold back his tears.

"Goo always look after appa. Daddy going forever?" The pup questioned, her eyes glistening with tears.

"Maybe. Maybe not. But I need you to know that I love you very much and that I'll always be with you okay?" Jungkook smiled, pointing to her heart.

"But Appa will be sad if you go." She wasn't sobbing but the tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"I know, baby but that's why I need you to make sure appa is happy. Can you do that for me?" Jungkook requested, scenting the girl for possibly the last time when she nodded.

They stayed there for a while, the pup eventually falling asleep so Jungkook took her to their room. He didn't see Jimin but he concluded that the omega was in the bathroom when he heard hurling from behind the door. 

As he laid the pup down, the hurls turned into sobs. Jungkook swung the bathroom door open, finding the older curled up in a ball on the floor. He understood immediately that the omega wasn't crying because of the nausea but because of the situation they were in. 

The alpha pulled him up to sit on the edge of the tub, kneeling between the older's legs and hugging him.

"I need you to look after appa too, and you're not doing a very good job at it." Jungkook whispered as he teased the forming pup in the omega's stomach before pulling back and looking at the older.

"You don't have to watch hyung. Just stay here and rest. I'll get Seokjin to-." His sentence was cut short by Jimin's lips, surprisingly he still tasted sweet.

"We promised forever Jungkook. I'll keep my promise." Jimin whispered as he pulled back, still cupping the alphas face in his hands. Jungkook felt a bit guilty, he did promise the older forever but he couldn't uphold his side.

"Don't leave thinking I hate you for leaving me Jungkook-ah. I'm so thankful for the moments we've shared together. This year has been the happiest I've ever been and I promise to raised them to be like you." Jimin shakily continued, his voice would betray him any second now.

"I love you more than every star in the sky, every grain of sand on this planet and every particle in the atmosphere. You are and will always be my everything." Jimin finished just as the church bell rang, signifying it was time for the duel.

"But whatever you do, don't get stabbe. Someone told me it really hurts." The omega joked, standing up and heading towards the same field where the mating ceremony had taken place.


The environment mimicked every aspect of the mating ceremony, there wasn't a single thing different besides the fact that his father was now duelling his mate. The only people not attending at this point were Seokjin, Goo and Hee-young but that was because Jimin arranged that they be excluded from the event because of a fake medical condition. 

The omega sat in his throne on the platform, the man he loved getting into position whilst his father had a look of boredom on his face. There was no long introduction and welcome, instead the queen simply ringed a tiny hand bell into a microphone to signal the start of the duel.

Jimin analysed the situation, Jungkook overall was bigger than his father and visually looked more fit than the king too. The older alpha also didn't seem to be hiding any weapons or anything that was against the rules either, was he actually doing to play fair?

The first ten minutes just seemed like Jungkook trying to tire out the older man by getting close enough for the king to make contact but being quick enough to dodge any attacks. Neither had taken a blow yet but the large amounts of cardio did seem to take a toll on the smaller alpha. 

The pattern repeated for another few minutes before the older snuck in a blow to the ribs but it wasn't enough to knock the younger off his feet. Jungkook tried to catch his breath but Pil-woo didn't give him a chance, continuing to abuse the younger's ribs before flipping the younger over his shoulder and onto the ground.

The king however didn't finish him off, he waited patiently for the other to regain his strength. 

"You're weak, Jungkook. Everyone knew that from the beginning." He chuckled, the two now circling on another. 

Jimin noticed how the king's words affected his mate like adrenaline, charging forward and punching the older in the face so hard that his nose began to bleed . 

Pil-woo held Jungkook's arm pulling him down to knee him in the face, the action having so much force that the younger looked like he was going to pass out. 

The king threw him to the ground, ripping his shirt open and stabbing his fangs into the skin just below the rib cage. 

Besides the pain Jungkook was confused. This method wasn't something that he'd seen before but when the older dragged his fangs through the skin, he understood what the other was trying to do. Dishearten him- physically.

Jungkook yelled out in agony when the king started inserting his hand into the large gash in aim to grab hold of the younger's heart and rip it out.

"Don't look so disappointed, you knew you would die. I just made it creative." The king teased the younger, feeling his heart beating against his fingertips. 

Jungkook's vision was blurry, giving up and accepting his fate looking like the best option at this stage. He looked at his mate, the omega was crying but they way he rested his hand on his flat belly gave Jungkook a sense of hope. 

He noticed how the king was holding all his weight on his left arm so he used grabbed it firmly with his right hand, pulling his knee up to his chest before kicking the other's arm with full force. 

The king screamed, the compound fracture causing the bone in his forearm to protrude out his skin. 

The younger pulled the kings hand out of him, rolling over to straddle the older as best he could before using the bone sticky out of the other's forearmt to stab him in the neck.

Jimin was standing at the edge of the platform waiting for the king's body to still completely, blood gurgling out his mouth as he eyes rolled to the back of his head. The audience was quite, his mother sobbing loudly as he sprinted towards the younger with a medical bag in hand.

Jimin knew that Luna had written his fate, the story of their love beginning and ending at the same place and in the same way but Jimin wouldn't let Jungkook die. Luna could try her best to take him away from him but she would never win. Jimin was prepared for the worst this time and as long as the younger was still breathing, the omega would not let him die.


Jungkook and the king duel - Jungkook wins but had suffered severe injuries. He has lost alot of blood and currently it doesnt seem like he will make it.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank You For Reading Cherry Blossoms and Rain 


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