Chapter 25

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Disclaimer! There are a few sexual references in this chapter, my sensitive beans please close your eyes. Enjoy!

Three months passed in a blur, Taehyung and Yoongi had officially mated a month back whilst Jungkook and Jimin used these months to learn as much as they could about one another.

Jungkook was sitting up, back leaning against a tree, his omega bundled up between his legs, reading. The two were sitting next to the river, the trees different tones of orange and the weather was chilly as autumn was upon them.

"Jungkook-ah" Jimin looked up and poked the alpha on the nose.

"Yes baby?" Jungkook replied, trying to catch the omega's finger between his teeth.

"Can I ask you a question?" Jimin asked giggling as the alpha caught his finger.

"Anything." Jungkook's feelings for Jimin had grown immensely over the past months and he knew he was in too deep. He would you everything and anything to put a smile on the omega's face.

"How do you- Would you consider adopting? I know we're not mated yet and adopting isn't really accepted but I just want to know how you felt about it." Jimin rambled, nervous about the topic.

"How do you feel about it hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"I think it'd be nice to give a pup a home when they don't have one. What about you?" Jimin whispered cautiously, afraid of what the alpha thought.

"Hyung you do realise that I was an orphan right?" Jungkook couldn't hate adopting if he was adopted himself. The orphanages in the village were terrible and he'd be a hypocrite if he didn't help at least one of those pups get out.

"Sorry, I- I didn't mean to bring it up-." "That's not what I'm saying. I'd love to adopt if I'm adopting with you." Jungkook interrupted, pecking Jimin's pout away.

Jimin sat up suddenly, "Really? Are you serious?", excitement clear in his eyes.

"Of course hyung. I thought you already knew that." Jungkook assured, eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, when we met you said you didn't want pups so I assumed you still felt the same way."

Jungkook now understood the confusion, "When I said that I meant that I was okay with not ever having any but if you want one I'd be more than happy to have one."

Jimin grabbed the alpha's face kissing him passionately, as he straddle his lap. Jungkook decided that maybe he change things up a bit so he moved to rest his hands on his hips, squeezing them softly so that he could insert his tongue when Jimin gasped softly.

Jimin would always get shy when Jungkook would lick over he lip and ask for entrance so today he decided to just perform a B&E. Jimin squeaked, when Jungkook's warm tongue glided over his but hesitantly retuned the action.

After a moment Jungkook pulled away, leaving wet kisses along the omegas sharp jawline and down his neck. He stopped at the junction between Jimin's shoulder and neck, the spot where he'd leaving a mating mark and sucked softly.

Jimin moaned unconsciously, Jungkook was doing so many new things at once and he couldn't hold it back.

The alpha continued sucking, now nipping softly at the skin, encouraged by the lewd sounds that escaped the omegas lips. He lapped over it before sucking again, ensuring that the mark would stay longer. He pulled back, pecking the flustered omega on lips.

"We should head inside it'll get dark soon." Jungkook whispered, laughing as the omega stood up abruptly and faced the other way.

"Baby, I told you I don't mind helping you with that." Jungkook teased, referring to the boner that Jimin was trying so hard to hide.

"It's- No thank you." He whispered, grabbing his book with his back still turned to Jungkook.

Jimin had shied away from any sexual activity, meaning Jungkook had to deal with his rut alone twice in the past months. It was boring as anything but he didn't mind, if Jimin wanted to wait he'd wait too.


They were now in the dining room, the sun had just set and they were having dinner with Yoongi and Taehyung. Taehyung had come to checked up on him after the Hyunjin incident and since then they've been stuck together like glue, Jungkook however had a few suspicions every now and then.

"So Jungkook-ah what do you want for your birthday?" Taehyung asked after Jimin mentioned the younger's birthday.

"Uh- I don't know. Anything I guess." Jungkook wasn't really a fan of birthday's but Jimin was very excited so he had to play along.

"It's tomorrow Tae, have you not got anything already?" Jimin gasped. He had organised Jungkook's party and bought all his gifts a month ago.

"I have something, I'm just not entirely sure if he'd like it." Taehyung complained with a pout.

"Of course he'll like it darling. He doesn't really have a choice." Yoongi assured, staring at his mate lovingly before kissing him, both Jimin and Jungkook cringing at their PDA before leaving the room.


Jimin had just finished blow drying his hair when he found Jungkook standing by the glass and looking out on to the commoner village.

He wrapped his arms around the back hugging him, "What's on your mind Jungkook-ah? You've been down lately."

Jungkook relaxed into his touch, grabbing the omegas hands and kissing his fingertips, "Nothing important baby."

Jimin released his arms, moving to standing in front of the younger, "If its bothering you, its important to me."

"I- This will be my first birthday I'm not spending with Namjoon and Seokjin hyung in a while. I haven't even seen them since I left." Jungkook spilled.

"I'm sorry Jungkook-ah, I could maybe organise with my father for you to see them but it might only be next week." Jimin said sadly.

"It's better than nothing." Jungkook smiled. Yes, it wasn't on his birthday but he'd eventually get to see his hyungs.

"And you'll get to see them at the merging ceremony next weekend as well. I'm almost certain that my father invited them." Jimin added, hoping to improved the alphas mood.

"I just really want them to meet you but properly this time. I know they'll love you just as much as I love you." Jungkook's eyes widened when he realised what he said.

"I- Wait! Don't love you. Uh- I mean of course I love you but I don't because-." "I love you too Jungkook-ah" Jimin responded, giggling at how flustered the alpha was.

"You don't feel the same way. Okay that's cool, I thought the feelings were mutual but- wait what?" Jungkook rambled.

"I said I love you too Jungkook-ah." Jimin said kissing the alpha's forehead before jumping into bed.

"You love me? Are you serious right now?" Jungkook questioned, the whole situation was absurd.

"Of course I love you Jungkook-ah. Have I not shown you how much I love you?" The omega whispered, he thought that he made his feelings were pretty darn obvious.

Jungkook noticed the sadness in the smaller's eyes so he got under the covers and hugged him tightly. "That's not what I meant baby. I just- I didn't think that I was doing enough for you to love me."

"You do more than enough Jungkook-ah. You make me feel undeniably happy just by being here." Jimin whispered, the past three months have really been sunshine and roses, not once did Jimin cry unless it was from pure joy.


Hi Hi Cutie Pie! Can you believe we've made it to 25 chapters already.  Jungkook's birthday next chapter! Are we excited? I hoped you enjoyed the fluff, I was blushing a little. What do you think Jimin got Jungkook for his birthday better yet what did Taehyung get Jungkook for his birthday? Let me know what you think in the comments and vote too if you're feeling nice. Thank you for reading Cherry Blossoms and Rain.

Are you a parking ticket? Cause you've got fine written all over you.


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