Chapter 19

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Disclaimer! For my sensitive beans there is low level of profanity in this chapter so be careful! Love you <3

Hoseok was on his way to call Jimin to join Jungkook for dinner, however before he could knock on the door, it was flung open by an overly excited Jimin; "Hi hyung. Dinner time already? That's why you were here right? To call me for dinner."

Jimin had managed to avoid Jungkook for the last day, they hadn't eaten dinner, breakfast, lunch or slept together. Jimin was extremely proud of himself for holding it up for so long but he was worried that Jungkook was unaffected, maybe the other was enjoying not having him there 24/7. 

So after an hour of contemplation he decided that he would join Jungkook at dinner tonight, just to see if the alpha was suffering as much as he was.

"Luna, you don't see him for like 22 hours and act like a drug addict who couldn't get a fix." Hoseok complained, Jimin liked Jungkook way too much.

Jimin pushed passed the other omega, grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the dining hall.

"He's not going anywhere Jimin, I haven't even serve the food yet." Hoseok scolded, almost falling down the stairs by how quickly his friend was moving.

When they reached their destination, Jimin peeked inside the room finding Jungkook staring at the opposite seat, where Jimin would be seated.

"Hyung, what do I do?" Jimin whispered. Hoseok didn't answer instead he pushed Jimin in the room, tired of all this cute, lovey dovey stuff.

Jungkook's head shot up towards the sudden movement, eyes widening when he recognised it was Jimin. He was about to say something but Hoseok entered, placing a plate of deliciously looking food in front of each of them.

"You two better talk, I'm honestly over this game already." Hoseok snapped before leaving the room.

It was silent for a while, both of them eating as Jungkook stole a few glances at the omega when he wasn't looking.

"Hi hyung" Jungkook spoke cautiously not sure whether or not he'd get a response.

When Jimin didn't reply he continued; "You didn't join me at any meals... have you been eating?"


"You're ignoring me? Fair enough. The guest room I'm in is pretty nice, the bed isn't as comfortable as yours but I can deal with it."


"I found out you have a gym room. Your friend, Hojackass said I could use it as long as I don't break anything. He called me an asshole you know? He's been bullying me this entire time."

Jungkook tried making Jimin feel bad for him, hoping that would elicit a response from the other but it didn't.

"I caught up with Yoongi hyung too. He's doing well, maybe a little too well. I haven't seen him smile so much in my entire life."

Jimin seemed to be unphased by anything he said so he decided to bring out the big guns.

"I also went to the medical room... I had a headache. The nurse was really pretty."

Jungkook smirked when he saw the omega stop chewing but his heart sank when he noticed that Jimin's eyes were filled with tears.

Jimin was so insecure that maybe the alpha was doing fine without him and Jungkook mentioning another omega made him feel as he was easily replaced.

"No, don't cry! I'm joking hyung! Seriously I didn't even see the nurse." Jungkook panicked. Honestly, he didn't even know if they had a nurse.

He sighed when the omega simply wiped his tears and continued eating.

"I really miss you hyung. I couldn't even sleep last night." He thought he imagined it but he was pretty damn sure he saw the omega smile.

Jimin couldn't control the happiness that flushed throughout his body when the alpha said he missed him, that he was affected because Jimin wasn't there.

Silence fell between them again, Jungkook had given up. He deserved this anyway so he just continued eating, eyes darting to Jimin's plate, anxious that the omega was almost done and would leave him soon. As Jimin placed the utensils down, Jungkook's eyes caught the bluish rings around Jimin's thin wrists so reached over, stopping Jimin from leaving the table so he could examine the bruises better.

"Hyung, does it hurt?"

Jimin continued to ignore him, ripping his wrists out of the alphas grasp then leaving the room.

"Hojackass lied to me. Jimin is either genuinely mad or he is just fantastic at acting."


It had just passed midnight, Jungkook was lying in bed unable to sleep because his heart pounding in his chest. He tried convincing himself that Jimin wasn't actually mad at him but then he'd get mad at himself because he was the one who said that Jimin should be mad at him.

Why did he have to ruin everything? He should have just trusted that Jimin had no involvement in this whole situation but he was stubborn and no one here understood him like Seokjin hyung would.

Hoseok was very similar but he refused to show that idiot his insecurities, he'd probably tease him about it for the rest of his life.

He couldn't talk to Yoongi because he only showed his caring side to Taehyung. He'd probably just tell him to go find someone who cared. And even though Taehyung had showed signs that he was going to be a better person, Jungkook still didn't trust him so he was also a definite no.

At this point, he was convinced to just go talk to one of the guards but he knew for sure they'd spread rumours so no matter who he turned to, he was stuck at a dead end.

A soft knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts. "Hojackass, I told you that I don't know what happened to your room key" He called out. He stole the key yesterday and the other knew it but Jungkook wouldn't give in.

He looked up when he didn't receive a reply, finding Jimin with his hair standing up in different directions and a pillow in his hand.

He sat up abruptly, not being able to comprehend the situation, "Uh- Hey hyung, what's wrong?"

Jimin didn't speak for a while but when he did he stuttered badly; "I- I know you want me t- to be mad and I pr- promise I'll be mad tomorrow b- but I can't s- sleep. Can I- I sleep with y- you?"

"Why are you even asking hyung? Come here." Jungkook smiled brightly, moving over to give Jimin some room. The smaller walked over, climbing in next to Jungkook who wrapped his arms around him immediately.

"Did you sleep yesterday?" Jungkook asked, wondering if the smaller couldn't sleep either. Jimin just shook his head against the alphas chest, Jungkook's scent causing him to feel drowsy.

"So why didn't you come here yesterday, hyung? You need to rest well, it's not healthy if you don't sleep." Jungkook scolded, tapping his fingers lightly against Jimin's back.

"You- I was scared that you'd get mad because I wasn't being a good omega and being mad like you asked. I'm sorry, I promise I'll try harder tomorrow." Jimin confessed, sitting up.

Jungkook sat up as well, disgusted in himself. He knew omegas would go to life threatening ends to make their alphas happy.


Hi pretty! Sorry I didn't update, I was at a party the whole of Sunday night and only got home Monday morning at 11. I literally slept the entire day so I apologise for being tardy. I had to cut this Chapter mid scene because it was getting a bit long so the surprise ended up in the next chapter instead of this one so sorry again. Jikook are talking now, I was having withdrawals honestly. Please comment and vote too if you're feeling extra nice. Thank you for reading Cherry Blossoms and Rain.

Is it bad to have cake for breakfast, I mean it's just bread that's sweet?


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