Chapter 16

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Before they could enter the dining hall, Jimin grabbed Jungkook's wrist, tugging him back slightly.

"What it is hyung?" Jungkook asked, looking at Jimin's worried expression.

"It's just- It's very unlike my parents to do something like this. I'm worried that- I just want you to be careful. They don't like you because you chose to stay instead of running away like they expected so they'll pick on every little thing you do. Just- Please ignore them okay?" Jungkook cooed at how protective the other way being so he brought his small hands up to his lips, kissing all of his knuckles.

"I don't think anything they say can be worse then getting stabbed" Jungkook joked before sighing at the omega's responding glare. "You don't have to worry so much about me hyung, I'm more worried about what they say to you then what they say to me."

"I'm used to it okay? So don't retaliate, that's what they want you to do."

Jungkook only nodded not being able to promise that he wouldn't flip out if they disrespected Jimin like they always did.

As they entered the room Jungkook bowed before he was seated on the king's right, with Jimin to his right. No one said a word but when they saw the king eating they took that as a signal for them to dig in as well. They all ate in silence, the queen glaring at Jungkook who was making sure that Yoongi wasn't suffering in any way.

Just as dessert was served the queen decided to stir the pot, "so you came back this time."

Everyone looked up, realising the statement was directed to Jungkook who was now wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"I apologise for my previous behaviour, there was a misunderstanding between Jimin and I but I promise to repeat my ways." Jungkook apologised, genuinely feeling guilty about how he treated Jimin.

"No, need to apologise. It was quite enjoyable watching Jimin sulk." The king added, smirking as he saw the younger alpha's eyebrows furrow.

Jungkook was about to ask them how could they enjoy watching their child suffer but Jimin grabbed his hand under the table, squeezing it softly as a sign to ignore them.

"What misunderstanding was there?" The queen pushed further, hoping to make Jungkook snap.

"I really don't think the topic is lunch appropriate. It's also not anyone's concern either." He responded respectfully.

"Aha! It was because he can't have pups wasn't it?" Taehyung spoke out unconsciously, looking over to Yoongi who was glaring at him for bringing up such a sensitive topic. Taehyung just gulped, knowing exactly the kind of troubled he'd be in with the alpha later.

"Surprisingly no, that wasn't the issue. I don't really care much abo-." Jungkook started

"What kind of alpha doesn't care about raising a family? You're obviously a softy, not confident enough in your genes so you don't wish to pass them on." The queen argued.

Jimin could see Jungkook's veins bulging out slightly on the sides of his neck, the alpha was about to snap so he decided he had to step in.

"In all fairness Jungkook's genes are quite desirable mother. You said so before when I was younger. He's also displayed, on numerous occasions that his emotional qualities are desirable as well." Jimin spoke up against his mother for the first time, it felt good to not cower in shame like he always did.

"I forgot ever giving you a right to speak." The king added, defending his wife.

"Shouldn't he naturally have a right?" Yoongi deadpanned, Jimin was a royal after all.

"Obviously not, he's useless and that means that everything that comes out of his mouth is useless as well." The king continued, glaring at Jimin.

"But it's not his fault. Shouldn't you hate yourselves because it was your genes that made him this way." Jungkook reasoned, he really had enough of everyone speaking about Jimin like he was some household item that wasn't working properly.

"If it were our genes that were the problem then how is it that Taehyung is perfect?" the queen yelled, outraged that someone peasant boy spoke to her with such disrespect.

"Taehyung is far from perfect" Yoongi scoffed. "He may be perfect on the outside but he's exactly like the you on the inside... Hideous."

Everyone besides Jungkook, Yoongi and Taehyung gasped, too scared to face the truth.

"Taehyung, that's nonsense, you're-," "Is it though? He's right isn't he? The only people who like me are you two because I'm exactly like you, revengeful and inconsiderate." Taehyung butted in.

"I've acted like this the entire time for what? Your validation and praise? Not at all, I was so scared that if I'm not perfect , if I'm not like how you want me to be, if I'm myself for even one second that you would treat me just like you treat Jimin." Taehyung screamed, tears running down his cheeks.

Jimin was crying now as well understanding the pressure his brother was under. It didn't validate all of his behaviour but Jimin didn't care, his brother was hurting and he was too scared to open up about it.

"Taehyung, you don't know what you're saying. We raised you well, what ideas is this commoner scum putting in your head?" The queen yelled, pointing her finger at Yoongi in outrage.

Taehyung stood up, glaring at his mother, "Yoongi has done more for me in this past week then you have my entire life. He's taught me how inconsiderate and hateful you are towards people who are genuinely suffering. You- you put me in this box, with a small whole in it so all I ever saw was the negative things they do. Do you know why they steal and fight all the time? It's because their families are starving, they don't have any other option. Yoongi showed me that, while you just let me- let me allow them to suffer because I thought they deserved it." Taehyung cried, looking over to Yoongi who smiled brightly, gums on display.

"We all hate Jimin but what we fail to realise is that he's the most civilised one in this family, he's the only one that was strong enough to get out the box himself." Taehyung continued giving Jimin a guilty look, feeling bad for how he treated Jimin with such injustice in the past decade.

"It's okay, Taehyung-ah" Jimin smiled at his brother for the first time, seeing the regret in his eyes.

"Don't speak so informally to him he's your superior!" The king shouted, banging his hand against the table harshly.

"Superior? They're the same age. For heaven sakes stop speaking down to him like he's some misbehaving animal."

"That's enough!" The queen creamed. "Just be honest with yourself Jungkook, you're here for revenge aren't you? You can drop the act, it's okay. You're not here because you have feelings for Jimin, you're here to avenge your mother's death?"


Hey beautiful, how was your Friday night? Did you go out and have fun or just relax at home? Either way I hope you enjoyed yourself. THE TEA IS SPILT. Taehyung has noticed his faults so maybe there will be Vmin brother bonding in the future. I really didn't plan this scene to last so long but I thought Tae deserved a better role, I love him too much to make him evil. WAIT- What do they know about Jungkook's mother's death? Do they know the killer? Are the protecting him? Yah! I'm so excited to write this, so keep your eyes open the next chapter should be up soon.

Thank you for reading Cherry Blossoms and Rain.


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