Chapter 37

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"Will you take me to see Seokjin hyung?" Jimin asked suddenly. It'd been two days since the two rekindled their relationship, they were walking around in the elite parts of the kingdom when Jimin spotted a kindergarten. It must have been recess because all the pups are running around and climbing on everything in the enclosed playground.

Jungkook didn't understand the question, Jimin wasn't allowed to go to that side of the kingdom. His hut wasn't in the worst areas but the king would refused the idea without question.

"I can get us a pass for the weekend. I'll tell my father we're going down to his vacation house by the lake." Jimin continued, hoping to convince the alpha to carry out his devious plan.

Jungkook thought over it for a second, if they did go back to his hut they would never leave. What if something happened to the omega, the alpha's weren't as nice there as they were in the elite side of town. Just letting the omega out for a second would be too risky.

"Please Kookie, I promise I'll behave." Jimin whined like a child, as he pouted. The efforts of the omega when unnoticed as Jungkook was too dazed by the pet name the older gave him.

"Kookie?" he whispered softly to himself, the name was just so innocent and pure, a clear representation of Jimin.

"Yes I'm talking to you, who else would-" Jungkook pecked the omega's plump lips, halting the cheeky comment from leaving his mouth.

"We'll leave in the afternoon. Most of the pack is out hunting at that time so no one should see us." Jungkook gave in, how could he say no? Jimin was irresistible without even trying and Jungkook was hopelessly wrapped around his finger.


"Hyung that's mine. Are you packing for you or me?" The alpha scolded, earning a glare from the older as he stuffed half of Jungkook's closet into his bag.

"I don't- Casual is not a style that I own. Plus it's better packing for one than for two." The only casual clothes the omega owned was his pyjamas and he was not going to wear his pyjamas in front of his mates parents, in their house.

"Let me finish packing two for one or whatever you said, you still need to ask your father's permission and there's no point packing if he says no." Jungkook realised their method was backwards but maybe it's work out.

Out of no where he was hit on the back of the head, "You don't listen, when I walked in the door 20 minutes ago I told you he said yes. Let's go." Jimin scolded playfully, walking out the room and right into a fuming Hoseok.

"Where on earth do you to think you're going? You're just going to run away and leave me here Jiminie? After everything I've done for you." The omega clenched his fist against his heart dramatically.

"If we were trying to sneak out, the plan just failed with your massive mouth Hojackass hyung." Jungkook said plainly, taking the bag from Jimin and throwing it over his shoulder.

"If I tell you, you have to be quiet hyung. My father will kill both of us if he finds out what's actually going on. Promise me you won't scream." Jimin whispered earning a nod from the older.

"We're going to visit Seokjin hyung for the weekend." Hoseok felt as if he was going to faint. Jimin was delirious, there's no way he'd be safe in those areas.

"Relax Hojackass hyung, I'll be with him the whole time. Don't have a stroke." Jungkook whispered, noticing the panic in the older omega's eyes.

Hoseok brought them both in for a group hug, "Be safe my babies." Jungkook cringed at the caring tone Hoseok used towards him, it was unnatural.

Jimin smiled widely at the older, holding tightly onto Jungkook's hand as he pulled him down the stairs.

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