Chapter 13

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"Hy- Hyungs we need- we need to talk." Jungkook said between breaths as he opened the front door where he found Seokjin looking for something in the kitchen drawers whilst Namjoon stood next to a broken chair looking guilty.

"Woah, hyung what did you do?" Jungkook asked even though he knew exactly what happened.

"Mr Scaredy Cat over here thought he saw a roach in the living room so he jumped over the sofa and climbed on top of the chair, which obviously couldn't handle his weight." Seokjin yelled, looking irritated.

"Okay so where's the roach?" Jungkook asked cautiously trying to see if he could relieve the tension.

"There is no roach! It was a shadow from outside." Seokjin snapped, glaring at Namjoon.

Jungkook burst out laughing, "Sometimes I wonder who's the alpha between you two. Talking about alphas I have something important to tell you."

"Just give me a second Kook, I need to glue these legs back on." Seokjin sounded a bit calmer now.

"Well it concerns both of you actually." Jungkook stated seriously.

Seokjin decided that whatever Jungkook wanted to talk about was probably more important than his dining room chair so he left the glue on the table, moving to sit next to the two alphas on the sofa.

"Well... How do I say this? You see I-" Jungkook began, not knowing how to tell the people he loved the most that he was leaving them.

"Just spit it out Kook" Namjoon laughed.

"I want to move out." Jungkook said quickly, hearing Namjoon's giggles stop abruptly.

"I worked things out with Jimin, turns out no one wanted him because he was infertile but I've never really thought much about having kidding anyway so it didn't really bother me. You told me to listen to my wolf and it wants me to be with Jimin." Jungkook explained, hoping that they would understand.

"I don't know what you're panicking about Kook, we were prepared for you to leave the day you won at the ceremony." Both, Seokjin and Namjoon understood they wouldn't see Jungkook often but if that was what made their son happy, they'd let him be.

"Wait- does that mean I can go?" Jungkook was confused, he didn't expect them to be so calm about it.

"Well as long as you promise to come and see us once in a while, I don't have a problem with it." Namjoon said.

"You guys are acting weird" Jungkook suspected something was up and he was right. "Well Kook-ah, we needed a room for the pup anyway." Namjoon explained earning a slap on the back of the head from Seokjin.

"Who's pup?" Jungkook was lost as this point.

Namjoon's eyes widened, "you didn't tell him?"

"Well I was going to but then he went to see Jimin and then you broke my chair, I couldn't just say it the second he walked through the door." Seokjin snapped.

"Wait- what couldn't you tell me? Can someone please explain what's going on?" They were speaking as if he wasn't already in the room

"I'm pregnant Kook-ah" Seokjin revealed, smiling widely.

Jungkook's eyes jumped from Namjoon to Seokjin to Seokjin's belly before hugging the omega tightly.

"Hyung, I'm so happy for you guys." Seokjin and Namjoon had been planning to have a pup for a while and Jungkook was just patiently waiting.

"But I won't be able to see – I'll speak to Jimin and see if he's able to convince his father to let us babysit once it's born. I still want to be a part of your pup's life and that way Jimin can feel like he has a pup too." Jungkook offered.

"That's sounds great Kook but I think you should start packing, the suns already setting and I don't want you travelling when its dark." Seokjin advised.

Jungkook pulled the couple in for a hug one last time , whispering a small "Thank you so much for everything" before heading to his room to pack.


Jimin was starting to get anxious, it was dark and Jungkook hadn't returned yet. He had showered already, making sure to wash his hair and moisturised twice but he couldn't stop the anxious thoughts from gnawing at him.

"Maybe he needed more than more day to say goodbye, I mean he's leaving his family" Jimin reasoned.

'Or it could be that he realised what he had and he wasn't willing to give it up for you' his anxiety teased.

"But he promised" Jimin argued.

'Yeah, because an unlocked safe won't get robbed. Stop giving yourself false hope, you didn't want him to leave his family and now that he isn't you're sulking. Pathetic.'

Just as Jimin was about to snap back his bedroom door opened, a tired Jungkook with a large duffle bag walking in.

"Hey, I'm sorry I took so long I –," he was cut of by Jimin hugging him tightly.

"I thought you weren't coming back", Jimin's voice was muffled.

Jungkook wanted to argue that he promised that he's come back but he understood why Jimin didn't trust his words. Before he could return the hug, Jimin pulled away muttering a small sorry.

"Have you eaten?" Jimin asked hoping that Jungkook hadn't so he didn't have to eat alone.

"No, not yet. Have you?"

Jimin shook his head cutely, "We can eat together then." He offered looking excited.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" Jungkook teased.

"If I say yes, will you hurry up?" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Hurry up and date you? Yeah sure." Jungkook pressed on.

"Jungkook-ssi, I'm so hungry, please let's go eat." Jimin whined dragging Jungkook out of the room.


"I helped Hoseok make it. I hope you like it Jungkook-ssi" Jimin said as he sat across from Jungkook at the dining table.

"You don't have to be so formal Jimin-ssi, you're older than me." Jungkook found it odd that they were just arguing like a married couple but Jimin still referred to him like he was a stranger.

Jimin gave Jungkook a sceptical look, not believing the alpha.

"I turn twenty-two in September" Jungkook answered, watching Jimin choke a little from shock.

"It's okay, just call me Jungkook. It's not a big deal hyung."

Jimin just nodded. They were going to mates so they did need to be comfortable around one another. 

The conversation after that flowed easily, both learning a lot about each other and once they finished their meal, Jimin lead Jungkook back to his room.

"You need to wash up before bed, the sheets are clean," earning a nod from the alpha.

"You can use my bathroom. If you want to I mean, you don't have to. We have another one if you don't, I can show you if you want"

Jungkook laughed at Jimin's rambling, earning a pout from the older. "I'll just use yours hyung, it's better than having to walk all the way back here to sleep."

"You're- You're sl- sleeping here?" Jimin stuttered, feeling his cheeks burn at the thought.

"Well yeah, unless you don't want me to?" Jungkook faked sadness, jutting his bottom lip out dramatically.

Jimin only nodded his head slowly, still processing the fact that Jungkook wanted to sleep in his bed with him.


Good morning darling, how'd you sleep? I know I said I would update twice yesterday but I kinda had a mental breakdown and wasn't really feeling like doing anything so I went to bed really early. I'm feeling a bit better today so I'll keep my promise, just like fluffy Jungkook here. Please leave a comment and vote if you want 😊. Thank you for reading Cherry Blossoms and Rain.

Have a good day ~


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