To My Beautiful Readers

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Firstly, I would like to apologise for going missing randomly without notifying anyone. I was planning on finishing this story before my graduation but i had trouble writting, like nothing i was trying to express was coming out the way i wanted.

After graduation I had about 2 days to get packed and prepared for Bali. I went with a group of amazing people as our own little "Schoolies." We had a great time but I had a bit of an issue with my ticket and had to pay $500 extra to resolve the issue, thankfully my dad paid for it so i wasnt left behind. In saying this, when i got back i had to get a job asap to pay him the money back and get new tires for my car.

So last week was just me job hunting, i got one pretty quick and started last week Thursday. Its not necessarily what i enjoy but anything is good for now. I hope you understand that really life got in the way but also that brought rise to new ideas and concepts that i am now using for a different story that should be out soon so keep a look out.

This book now has around 750 views which is so closed to 1K so please share and vote on past chapters that you enjoyed.

This was my first story/fanfiction so any feedback would be great. I know there are a lot of writers out there so please feel free to critique my work. It would be deeply appreciated.

Thank you for reading Cherry Blossoms and Rain 


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