Chapter 10: The Truth Behind The Huntress

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For the past week, Adrian, Andrew and Logan had made a list of all the possible ways the mission could turn out and what to do should anything unexpected happen. Unfortunately, they weren't prepared for an army of wolves attempting to steal from the Romanos as well.

      One of the beasts in the room held a plastic bag with a piece of parchment in between its fangs. The paper looked a century-old, yellowish-gold with tears and a little of some corners missing. But the raw and pure power radiating off it was unmistakable.

      The Piece.

      The biggest of the four wolves caught the girls' eyes and grinned. Seeing an animal smile in such a grotesque way almost put a little pee in Rosemary's pants. 

      The sound of bones cracking echoed throughout the room. The wolf shifted and the beast was replaced with a fully grown man, somewhere in his late-40's. And yet, his eyes and posture held the knowledge of a man who had lived for far longer. How he stood, with his menacing brown eyes glaring at the teens, made it obvious he was the leader of this group. He grabbed the bag from his lackey and stuffed it into his coat pocket.

      Beside Violet, Adrian calmly crossed his arms across his chest. "Denisovich Lavoski, when did you escape your rathole?"

      Violet looked up at her boyfriend's cold expression. Does Adrian know this man?

       The tall man smirked. "Adrian Crimson, charming as ever, I see? Here for The Piece as well? What use would you have on something so old?"

        This time, Andrew stepped forward, much more confidence in his tone than Adrian. "We could ask the same about you."

        "Touche. But I'm afraid your journey was all for nought. If you want The Piece so bad, you'll have to fight me for it."

         Adrian pulled out a silver dagger from his sleeve. "Fine by me."

Before any of the four could make their move, Denisovich morphed back into a wolf, and with The Piece in his fangs, knocked them aside and ran for the exit. Adrian tried to go after him but one of the remaining wolves lunged in Rosemary's direction and in a split second, his decision was made, so he rushed to help his friend fight it off.

        Violet's courage wavered when one of the other wolves began approaching her, step-by-step. Its two eyes were black as the pits of Death and she cowered at its menacing growl. With trembling hands, she brandished her silver pocket knife from home and for a moment, the wolf halted. But before she could feel relieved, it pounced and bared its fangs, tearing a chunk of skin from her arm in the process.

        Yelling louder than she ever had in her whole life, she stumbled backwards as her vision became blurry, pain flooding her dominant arm. Somehow, in all that chaos, she heard Andrew calling out to her, but couldn't find an ounce of strength to reply. Thank the Moon Goddess, Adrian noticed and stabbed the beast from its back, shoving the dead carcass away from her.

          "You okay?" Adrian's frantic gaze landed on her right arm, bleeding profusely from the wolf bite.

         The raven examined herself. Other than the massive tear on her skin, she was relatively fine. Black spots danced around her eyes. The pain grew with every passing second. Rosemary's long wavy hair was violently sliced off and all that remained was a messy bob cut. Andrew's ankle was sprained from helping Rosemary, but nothing worse happened.

      If this was the level of skill we're fighting with, how are we going to get The Piece back from a whole army of wolves?  Violet bit her lip.

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