Chapter 18: To Right A Wrong

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Surprisingly, the first person to speak out was not Theseus but Laura. She stumbled back in a blind panic. Her eyes widened and flickered back to her father, seeing the darkening of his features. "Are you mad, Logan?! Your succession to Alpha of the Empire is in five weeks!"

      Logan's face revealed nothing he thought. 

      Theseus stared at his son's stone-cold expression, the tensed spasm of his muscles. Logan must be joking, right? Why does the boy look like he's preparing for war? "Is this about where you've been for the past month? Why you haven't come to visit in a while?"

      "Dad, I wish I could tell you everything, but I can't explain it yet." Logan glanced at the grandfather clock behind his father. The hour clock moved to the 6. Late evening. Time was running out. He turned back to Theseus. "Laura's 18 now. Technically, she's as qualified of leading the pack just as much as I am, more in fact. She trains harder, learns more and has the perfect qualities of a leader. She does it all to impress you, Dad. Shouldn't she get the chance to lead the Empire?"

      Laura did her best to not breathe so nobody would notice her. She didn't want to be caught in the middle of this fight. But even so, she did her best not to look at her father. Her emotions would surely betray her, and Theseus would look into her eyes and see the hurt in them, realising Logan was only repeating the exact words she'd been telling him her whole life.

       Theseus clenched his fist under the table. He frowned. "Nobody's questioning Laura's capabilities as a great warrior. But you are the heir to the Empire, Logan. You've been preparing for this moment since you were born. This is your destiny."

      "No. You've been preparing me to become Alpha since I was born. I believe in your principles, to teach others to be brave. I love guiding younglings and packs with all I know, seeing them grow to protect their loved ones. But I never wanted to be a leader. I only did it to make you proud. But I can't pretend anymore, not when I know this is a mistake. This is Laura's destiny, because its the path she chose for herself. She wants it so bad, more than I ever did. More than I ever will."

      Laura's mouth fell open. She couldn't believe this was happening. "Logan...."

      Theseus stood, glaring at his son. He braced his palms on the table, taking one deep breath at a time.

      After watching the brawl playing out in front of him, General Taylor finally spoke. He crossed his arms across his chest. "I've seen that look before. The ruthless determination, hiding the simplest but most powerful emotion. Has the powerful Logan Bradley fallen in love at last?"

      Everyone's gaze immediately shifted to Logan. He made no reaction to that statement. Instead, he too stood, bringing himself to full height. "It doesn't matter if I have or not. No one has changed my mind, or influenced me in any way. I just gained the bravery I needed to stand up to the mighty Theseus Bradley and tell father, as the son who loves him with all his heart...exactly what I want to do with my life. And it's not becoming Captain."

      Theseus saw it. The man standing in front of him wasn't the powerful son he loved and trained to be Alpha. Not the playful tease who joked with everyone to make them feel welcome. Gone, was the broken boy who lost his mother, putting on a brave face so he could support his baby sister and grieving father. He saw a man who had grown up to be the kindest supernatural he'd ever met, a werewolf with his brains and power, but his mother's heart and passion. His darling Emmaline, whose words of wisdom he would never forget.

      I'm going to build the road of my future. So what if it's harder than letting someone else do it, and so what if it turns out ugly and imperfect? It'll be my road, built by my own hands.....and that is the greatest gift in life. Knowing the only person who controls that road is me.

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