Chapter 13: A Walk In The Park, Or Mountain

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Nepal was beautiful. Probably would've been even better if they hadn't arrived in the dead of night.

      At the arrival hall of the Lukla Airport, everyone's eyes were flooded with foreign symbols, signboards and voices of the ancient language, Nepali, Chinese and Tibetan. Tourists, as well as the eight werewolves, marvelled at the sight of ladies in traditional silk garments and men in fascinating cotton cloths.

      "We'll have to crash here for a few hours until morning." Adrian sighed, glancing at the couches in the waiting lounge.

     Sophia slept on Logan's shoulder for about 3 hours.

      Ashton smirked and gave Logan a thumbs up from his seat. The Alpha rolled his eyes and let his eyes close as well.

     Violet was awakened with a light kiss to her forehead. She looked up to see her boyfriend smiling down on her. "It's six in the morning. Time to go."

      A man in his late 20's waited with the hundreds of people at the arrival hall, holding up a signboard reading 'Adrian Crimson'. He wore a T-shirt and jeans that seriously reminded Ashton of men he passed by in the streets of New York, like he was in a biker gang or something. As soon he caught sight of Adrian, the man put down the board and offered his hand. "Hello, Mr Crimson. Welcome to Nepal." Despite being a native, Rosemary noticed he had a polished English accent.

      "Thank you." The Alpha smiled and shook hands with the friendly Nepalese. "Are we ready to go?"

       "Yes, sir. Follow me."

      The tour guide, Bishal, led them to the parking lot where a white bus awaited them. 

The journey from the airport to the Sagarmatha Zone in Province 1 took them up north. 

      Views of the Mahalangor mountain range, the Himalayas enchanted the streets of Nepal. Tall skyscrapers and banners flying around in a colourful mess flew past them. After nearly an hour, the bus slowed down in a village the closest to the foot of Mount Everest.

       Etsuki watched houses built along with the range of mountains, while others stood in an unorganized manner, forming concentric circles.

      The teenagers got out of the bus and the first thing that registered in their minds was the blistering heat. The compact houses reflecting the heat of each other didn't make things any better. The centre of the village was overcrowded from the dozens of people moving around the flea market.

       Bishal walked over to one of the stalls, pushing his way to the front. He struck up a conversation with the owner of the stall. 'Sagarmatha' was a word the duo kept repeating.

      "What does 'Sagarmatha' mean?" Rosemary asked Andrew.

      "It means Mount Everest in Nepali."

      Soon, the natives ended their chat and Bishal beckoned them to follow the other man. He was big and surly, with tattoos Violet could barely see any flesh. They followed both locals to the edge of the village. In a dusty wooden shed, equipment of all kinds lay around. Trekking poles, tents, backpacks, ice picks and more in sets. The man spoke to Bishal in Nepali and he translated the conversation for them. "Sanjay says he will take you up to South Col."

      "Oh no, that won't be necessary." Adrian smiled politely, not wanting to offend the tough Sanjay. "We can handle the climb ourselves."

      "We can?" Sophia whispered to Andrew. He shushed her.

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