Chapter 21: Prophecy Fulfilled

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Rosemary and Etsuki circled Marcus Kennedy, cutting off all routes of escape. It didn't seem to bother him, though. His eyes travelled lazily between the girls. As he walked, he reached out to unclip the cufflinks on his suit, throwing that to the side along with his black lapel coat. 

      "The two of you are free to try..." He rolled up his white sleeves, showing off the toned and muscled arms beneath. Scars and wounds from previous battles decorated his arms. "But the rumours about lone wolves veer far from the truth. Without a pack, we learn a few tricks to survive. Sometimes, we become even stronger than most Alphas, because Death is the other option. Almost as if I'm a pack all by myself. And you...even as a pack I overpower you. A mere Beta and Delta without an Alpha are useless."

      "You called for me?"

      Sophia and Ashton walked closely behind Violet. But somehow, she seemed different. Her uncertain slouch disappeared and those dark eyes bore straight at Marcus with such ferocity they never had before. In fact, the others could feel pure power and confidence oozing out of Violet. And seeing this gave them hope that maybe.....just maybe....they could pull this off.

      Marcus tilted his head to look down at the bandaged wrists of both his children. Then, he looked back a few feet away, where the unmoving corpses of both his former employers lay, viciously torn apart by their own pack. He said nothing. 

      He just shifted. Morphing into the beast in black.

      Ava Romano had been standing in shock for the past few minutes, but now she was running. Towards them. With two silver daggers in her hands.

      "Ashton, you keep Ava occupied." The Alpha turned to the rest of her pack. "We hit Marcus with everything we've got. GO!"

      The four women surrounded the werewolf in a tight circle and attacked. When Violet used her shadows, all it did was wrap around the animal meaninglessly. He broke through Rosemary's ice, not a single of Etsuki's burn grazed him. Sophia's attempt to slip under a pool of water or shoot water balls at him only made the wolf angrier. He roared and lifted his claws.

      Ashton was having better luck with Ava. And each second broke his heart. The glare in her piercing eyes, her swift movements to cut hurt him so bad because the girl he knew would never try to hurt him. This wasn't his Ava. This girl was a broken, brainwashed child who needed a little help realising she was on the wrong side of this battle. He deflected the Huntress' parries and dodged her attacks. 

      When he moved, he could feel the air rushing past his clothes. Everything, even time, slowed down. He could feel the lightning coursing through his veins, fuelling his abnormal sped. Whenever Ava lifted her arms to strike, he had plenty of time to evade and avoid. 

      Ava was getting more annoyed by the second. She snarled. "Damn it, Ashton! Fight me like a man!"

      "I won't hurt you, Ava! You're my friend! Search your feelings, you know it to be true!"

      This stopped the Huntress dead in her tracks. She looked up at Ashton, her mouth agape. "Did you just make a 'Star Wars reference?!"

      He looked at her for a full minute with confusion before giving her his most lopsided grin. "Hey.....I did! You know 'Star Wars'? really are the woman of my dreams...."

      Ava's frantic thoughts disappeared when she looked at Ashton. Those beautiful grey orbs tinted with a shade of green Ava had never seen in her life. For months, she stared at his cracked lips, yelling at him to drink more water, yet wondering what they would feel like if they kissed. The grin he was wearing now, that lopsided grin, the very one she couldn't stop admiring from the day they first met.

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