She wants your beating heart

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Roselen had seen many winters as a young child but the Fifth winter she saw was the harshest as news of her mother Snow whites death reached her, Roselen was stricken with grief and taking advantage of her grief a dark and mysterious army crossed the borders into her kingdom and took control of the Castle. Ravenna ordered her brother Finn to imprison the princess Roselen in the room high up in the North tower, Ravenna's reign was so poisonous that nature turned on itself and the people turned on each-other the land was beginning to die and with it hope. 

Roselen stood in the tower looking out of the window the cell in the tower was cold and damp, she knelt down in front of the fireplace and lit a bundle of hay and blew on it until embers blazed from it as she placed it in the fireplace, and instantly the fire provided warmth. Staying on her knees Roselen turned to face the window and as the sun rose she began to recite a prayer 'Our father who art, in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil amen'. 

Meanwhile in Rivendell Perri was walking through the gardens near the waterfall he stopped and looked over at the bridge and he saw Snow white standing there, Perri ran to where he saw Snow white standing he stopped and reached out for her but she wasn't there it was just Perri's grief playing tricks on his mind. As Perri continued walking he was approached by Mitchell, Mitchell stopped and said 'Hey I've been looking everywhere for you, how are you feeling today' Perri shook his head and replied 'I've lost my wife, the one I loved how do you think I'm feeling Mitchell'.

Mitchell watched Perri walk off Ashley walked over and stopped as Mitchell said 'I just wanted to see if he was ok', Ashley nodded and looked over at Perri as he said 'I know Mitchell, but his hearts full of sorrow he needs time on his own to grieve'. 

As the days went by Ravenna's powers weakened and she didn't know why, she stood in her sanctum in front of the Genesis Mirror and said 'Mirror, Mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all', the mirror lit up and a voice from within spoke 'My queen on this day, one has come of age even fairer than you, she is the reason your powers vain'.  Ravenna screamed 'Who is it' the mirror replied 'It is the Princess Roselen, be warned her innocence and purity is all that can destroy you. Take her heart in your hand and you'll never need to consume youth you would be immortal'. 

Ravenna turned around and shouted 'Finn bring me the Princess'. 


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Roselen was awoken by the sound of footsteps approaching her cell, she grabbed a rusty nail from under her pillow and hid it in her hand Roselen looked up as Finn entered the cell and sat on the bed with her. Finn placed his right hand on the princesses thigh and said 'I know your scared princess but fear not you'll never be locked in this cell again', Roselen gulped hard and said 'What does she want with me' Finn placed his left hand over Roselen's heart and said 'She wants your beating heart'.  Roselen lashed out at Finn and cut his face with the rusty nail before getting up and sprinting out of the cell and along the corridor towards the courtyard, a guard spotted her and shouted 'the princess is escaping, stop her'. 

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