He took a little tumble off the cliff

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Mitchell watched as Ashley and the others were dragged from the throne room Sam turned around and shoved and punched at the guards until his knuckles were red and bloody it was almost as if the guards were made of glass, the doors to the throne room were slammed shut behind him and instantly all he heard were the pained screams of his brother. After travelling for what seemed like forever Perri finally arrived at Gallbotorix's kingdom, Brom turned to Perri and said 'Tell Saphira to stay hidden'. 

Perri and Brom cautiously made their way through the never-ending maze of corridors eventually they came to the dungeons most of the cells were filled with rotting corpses but right at the end was a room with two guards outside, Perri raised his right hand and a blaze of blue fire shot from his palm and destroyed the two guards. Brom kicked the door in Perri followed him in, Brom turned around and said 'This is strange there's nobody in here, why would Gallbotorix post guards on an empty room' Perri walked forwards and drew his sword Brom said 'What are you doing' Perri raised his sword and said 'We're not alone in here'.

Perri bought his sword down on whatever was in front of him and to his surprise the shattered glass revealed Ashley and the others with their hands chained above their heads, Sam rubbed his sore wrists and said 'We have to rescue Mitchell he's in the throne room'. Perri placed his right hand on Sam's shoulder and said 'Sam stop your in no fit state to fight, Ash take him and the others out of here I'll get Mitchell' Jordan grabbed Sam as they ran through the fortress and out through the courtyard, Perri had followed them as far as the throne room his eyes glowed red and he said 'Bombarda'. 

Like a dynamite explosion the throne room doors were blown open and reduced to nothing more than large pieces of rubble, Perri walked in and ran right to Mitchell's unconscious form he gave Mitchell's shoulders a gentle shake which helped Mitchell come round. Mitchell looked up and said 'Pel your here, where are the others' Perri helped Mitchell to his feet and said 'I told them to get out Sam's been injured, come on let's get out of here', Gallbotorix walked in and said 'It's far too late for that, so your the dragon rider forgive me if I stare I knew you were young but even then I expected someone a little more well more', Perri threw a dagger at Gallbotorix which was deflected by a protection shield. 

*~*~*~*~* Line Break *~*~*~*~*

Gallbotorix stepped forward and said 'Do you already feel my powers draining your strength' Perri placed his right hand on his head and looked up at Gallbotorix before saying 'What have you done to me', Gallbotorix laughed sinisterly and said 'I want you at your most vulnerable so that when I do kill you your begging for it, they say as a dragon rider draws his last breath he can hear the dying screams of his dragon'. Mitchell used what little strength he had to slow down the spear as it flew towards them, and then from out of nowhere Brom put himself in the path of the spear Perri spun round and screamed so loudly that the glass windows shattered inwards Brom pulled the spear from his body and said 'You've got to get out of here Perri, your friend needs help'.

Suddenly the roof collapsed in and Saphira came down Perri looked up and said 'Saphira can you carry three' Saphira nodded and said 'I can but not for very long'. Perri laid Brom down in Saphira's claws before climbing onto Saphira's back, Saphira leapt up into the sky and flew towards the cliffs to the north where Ashley and the others were waiting. 

Ashley and the others had built a camp fire and some shelter, whilst Ashley and Warren tended to Mitchell's wounds Perri sat with Brom he placed his cloak over him and said 'why did you save me' with shaky breath Brom said 'Because your worth saving, take care of Saphira without her you'll find life is hardly worth living'. Perri wiped the tears from his eyes and said 'I'm so sorry that this has happened to you' Saphira looked at Perri and said 'Perri let him die with pride, as a dragon rider'.

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