She must take her Place on the Throne

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With Strider and the protectors gone to rescue Perri, Eric decided to ride to Gile-ad and rescue the Princess Roselen. After an incredibly long ride Eric finally rode up onto the mountain looking down on Gile-ad, he made his way down the steep hillside and hid his huge black horse in the woods out of sight and without a second thought he drew his axes and scaled the wall that surrounded the huge dark fortress. Once inside the fortress Eric navigated the endless maze of corridors and stairwells until finally he reached Galbotorix's throne room at the top of Gile-ad fortress Eric kicked the doors down and walked into the throne room where he found Princess Roselen stood alone in the room, she looked up and said 'Eric be-careful, the sword it's been enchanted to protect me'. 

Roselen watched as Eric became locked in a fierce fight with the enchanted sword, and for a moment it looked as if he was winning Eric turned around to look at Roselen and that was when he felt a sharp pain he looked down and saw the sword sticking out of his stomach. Without a seconds thought he pulled it from his stomach and rammed it firmly into the wooden boards across the stained glass windows, before finally collapsing to his knees and then down onto his back Roselen ran over to him and said 'Eric hold on your going to be alright'. 

Eric bought his right hand up and cupped Roselen's left cheek before saying 'I won't leave you Miss', Roselen smiled and said 'No you won't, I'm going to get you back to Strider's camp'. Roselen carefully picked Eric up and carried him out of the fortress, as she approached the woods Roselen spotted Eric's horse Damson stood by a tree happily eating grass Roselen walked over and placed Eric into the saddle before climbing on she gently rubbed Damson's soft coat and said 'It's alright girl, take us home girl'.  

Strider and the protectors arrived back at the Dunedine ranger camp Strider jumped down from his horse and carried Perri to the healing room where he and the healers worked through the night to heal him, meanwhile Mitchell was outside getting some fresh air when he saw a huge black horse come through the gates he ran down to it and as he got closer he saw Princess Roselen jump down. Roselen turned around and said 'Mitchell help me please it's Eric, he's been stabbed' Mitchell looked around and said 'You two take Eric to the healing room. Princess are you alright Gallbotorix didn't hurt you did he' Roselen shook her head and said 'No I'm ok I just want to stay with him' Mitchell placed a gentle hand on her right shoulder and said 'There's blood on your hands, are you sure your alright', before she could answer Roselen collapsed towards the ground. 

Mitchell caught her in his arms and carried her towards the lodge as Mitchell walked in Ashley turned around and said 'Oh my god is she alright Mitchell', Mitchell walked into one of the bedrooms and placed Roselen down on the bed and stepped back as Strider came over and started healing the princess. Sam walked in and said 'Would this have something to do with Eric' Mitchell nodded and said 'She came back with him, I think Eric went to rescue her from Gallbotorix. How is Eric anyway' Sam took a deep breath and said 'The healers don't think they can save him, they think he'll hold out for a day or two but not for much longer'. 

Strider came out of the room and said 'Princess Roselen will make a full recovery she has minor cuts and bruises, and a couple of bruised ribs' 

*~*~*~*~* Line Break *~*~*~*~*

Two days passed and Perri had made a full recovery from yet another encounter with the Destroyer, the princess had also made a full recovery when she woke from her healing sleep the first thing she asked was where Eric was. Roselen walked through the corridors until she came to the room where Eric was she walked in and as she approached the bed she said 'I'm sorry I didn't come by sooner, I was still feeling weakened from my injuries. Eric', Roselen knelt down beside the bed and reached out and touched Eric's left hand it was as cold as Ice and in that moment Roselen realised that Eric the one she truly loved had died. 

Roselen squeezed Eric's hand that she was holding and said 'Please wake up, please don't leave me Eric' Sam was walking down the corridor when he heard crying he gently pushed the door open and said 'Princess what's happened', Roselen took a deep ...

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Roselen squeezed Eric's hand that she was holding and said 'Please wake up, please don't leave me Eric' Sam was walking down the corridor when he heard crying he gently pushed the door open and said 'Princess what's happened', Roselen took a deep breath and said 'He's dead, I loved him so much Sam. He told me we'd be together forever'. Sam knelt down and pulled Roselen into a hug, Strider walked in and said 'Oh he must have died sometime in the night, I'll have a couple of my rangers come and prepare his body so we can move him to the crypt'. 

Roselen watched as two rangers came in and carefully carried Eric's body off to the crypts to prepare his body for the burial, she stepped away from Sam and ran out of the room and outside the cool winters wind blowing through her hair.

Two days after Eric's body was laid to rest Perri and the other protectors met with Strider to discuss what their next move against the destroyer and Gallbotorix should be, Strider sat on one of the tables and said 'My scouts report that Ravenna h...

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Two days after Eric's body was laid to rest Perri and the other protectors met with Strider to discuss what their next move against the destroyer and Gallbotorix should be, Strider sat on one of the tables and said 'My scouts report that Ravenna has left the kingdom of Storm-hold'. Perri looked up from the floor and said 'Storm-hold that's Roselen's kingdom' Strider nodded and said 'She must take her place on the throne' Sam stepped forward and said 'But isn't it to soon she's just lost the one she loved, her hearts still broken'. 

Strider took a deep breath and said 'Forgive me but we do not have time to wait for the princess to get over the death of Eric, if Gallbotorix get's wind that Storm-hold has no ruler he will move his forces in and then we'll never re-gain control. The people will be en-slaved or killed and Roselen will loose her kingdom', Sam nodded in agreement and said 'Yes and that would be terrible but I just don't want to see Roselen hurried into something as life changing as this, you've seen her she hardly has the energy to get out of bed'. 

One of the other rangers said 'What interest is princess Roselen to you' Sam looked down at the floor and said 'I just care about her that's all', Sam excused himself from the hall he made his way outside to the training grounds. Sam stopped in front of one of the archery targets and drew his dagger before throwing it at the target unleashing all his feelings maybe he was falling in love with the Princess but deep down he knew nothing could come of it, Mitchell walked over and said 'Is everything alright Sam' Sam retrieved his dagger from the target and said 'I'm fine Mitchell'. 

Mitchell sat down on the grass and said 'You don't need to hide it from me Sam It makes me smile to see how much you love her' Sam turned his head to look at Mitchell and said 'Who' Mitchell smiled and said 'Princess Roselen, it's so easy to spot a blind man could see it'. Sam sat down beside his brother and said 'Shame nothing can come of it' Mitchell shrugged his shoulders and said 'Who's to say nothing can happen between you and Roselen', Sam quickly wiped away the loose tears from his eyes and said 'Lets be honest what can I give her, she needs to marry someone who can love and look after. Anyway she'd never love me'. 

Sam walked back up the hill towards the lodge Mitchell walked beside him and said 'You'll never know if she loves you unless you ask her' Sam turned around and shouted 'Just leave it Mitchell nothing can happen between me and the princess'.

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