They call it Sanctuary M'Lady

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Roselen followed the huntsman deeper into the dark forest as Roselen ducked under some branches the branches turned into huge black snakes which started hissing at her, Roselen screamed and tried to back away the huntsman walked over and cut away the branches and said 'The forest gains it's strength from your weakness, you must learn to be braver'. Roselen stepped forward and said 'Thank you huntsman' the huntsman stopped and looked over his shoulder and said 'You can call me Eric, now stand still for a moment' Eric walked over and used his axe to cut Roselen's dress shorter. 

Roselen followed Eric out of the dark forest where they stopped and set up camp for the night Eric walked over to Roselen and said 'Here I want to show you something, take this' Eric held out a small dagger and Roselen nervously took it and said 'What do you want me to do with it'. Eric smiled and said 'I want you to lean forward, if someone comes at you, you need to raise your arm up and you use their strength against them. Your small so you need to wait until their close and you drive this dagger through their heart, to the hilt', Roselen looked shocked as she said 'I'm not sure I could do that to someone' Eric looked up and said 'You may not have a choice'.

After stopping for the night Eric and Roselen came across a settlement near the river, as they emerged from the long grass a woman armed with a bow stopped them and said 'Only demons and spirits pass through the dark forest, who are you' Roselen replied softly 'We are fugitives from the queen, please help us'.

 Whilst Roselen was being looked after by some of the villagers Eric was having his wounds tended to by the woman who had stopped them she looked over at where Roselen sat and then back at Eric before saying 'I know I have only just met you but I can sense there is something blossoming between you two' Eric looked over and smiled before replying 'I am only helping her reach Rivendell', the woman sat down and said 'You don't know who she is do you, she's the princess Roselen'. 

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Eric walked over to where Roselen was sat talking to one of the children he cleared his throat and said 'Your mother wishes to see you child', Roselen stood up as Eric said 'Why didn't you tell me, who you really were' Roselen shifted on her feet and said 'I don't know, I guess I didn't know if I could trust you yet' Eric stepped closer and said 'I'm sorry about your mother'. 

That night whilst Roselen slept Eric gathered his belongings and made his way out the village, the woman came up behind him and said 'How can you desert her, now that you know the truth about who she is' Eric looked up and said 'Aye I know the truth, and that's why she should be as far away from me as possible. Because anything I've cared about in the past has been taken away from me but not this time, she'll be safer here with you'. 

Eric had only made it back into the woods when he heard screaming coming from the settlement, he ran back and saw the entire place was on fire he spotted Roselen running towards him he took her hand and lead her to safety. As they crossed the river onto the other side they stopped to catch their breath Eric knelt down in front of Roselen and said 'I'm sorry for leaving you princess' Roselen looked up through tear filled eyes and said 'We should never have been there', Eric placed his right hand on Roselen's right cheek and said 'Stand or fall I promise I'm never going to leave you, now lets get you to Rivendell'.

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