The spirit is evident but something holds you back

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Perri woke shivering not just from the cold but from the fever that had taken hold of him Mitchell felt his forehead and said 'Perri stay with me, guys he's going cold I think he's going to die' Sam placed his right hand on Perri's forehead and his whole body began to glow a bright white, and when Sam took his hand away Perri breathed calmly and shivered no more. Ashley was about to speak when a voice came from behind them 'Your friend has incredible healing powers' Jordan drew his dagger and spun round before saying 'Who are you' the man said 'I am one of the Dunedine rangers, we were told you'd be arriving your two days late'. 

Ashley nodded and said 'Forgive us, our friend took a tumble from the cliffs over there can you help him' the Dunedine ranger nodded and said 'Mount your horses and follow me'. After a short ride across the great plains and into the valley of the fallen kings Ashley and the others arrived at the Dunedine ranger camp, a few rangers came over and took the horses through to the stables whilst Ashley and the others followed one of the rangers into the lodge.

The ranger said 'Strider these are the protectors' the man who the protectors guessed was Strider walked forwards and said 'It is an honour to finally meet you, I have heard a lot about you. Aren't we missing one though' Ashley nodded and said 'Perri one of your rangers took him to the healing tents'. Strider nodded and replied 'Do not fear we have the best healers here, he'll make a full recovery' Nathan stepped forward and said 'Do you know why we were sent here' Strider nodded and said 'I do yes, myself and my rangers will do all we can to help Perri get his daughter back'.

Perri spent two days recovering from his fall but one thing he couldn't shake from his mind was the nightmares he'd been having lately, they left him tired and scared. On a bright sunny morning Perri was practising his archery but every-time he drew his bow back he saw the destroyer killing his daughter right before his eyes, Strider walked over and said 'Perri may I speak with you a moment' Perri followed Strider back up the hill and into the lodge Strider stood before Perri and said 'I was watching you on the archery range, your friends say you have incredible talent' Perri gave a slight smile and said 'It's taken me years to perfect the talents I have sir'.

 On a bright sunny morning Perri was practising his archery but every-time he drew his bow back he saw the destroyer killing his daughter right before his eyes, Strider walked over and said 'Perri may I speak with you a moment' Perri followed Stri...

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Strider stepped closer to Perri and said 'The spirit is evident but something holds you back, if you can tell me what troubles you I can help you' Perri looked down at the floor as tears began to floor his eyes as he said 'I keep seeing the destroyer killing my daughter, and I can't get it out of my head', Strider nodded and said 'Don't hide your tears from me Perri, sit down and tell me how long these nightmares have been happening'.

Perri sat down opposite Strider and said 'These particular ones have only been happening recently, but ever since I was a child I seen the destroyer in my nightmares', Strider stood up and said 'Come with me I'd like you to meet someone'. Perri followed Strider down to the stables as Perri walked down the aisle he gave his horse Florien an apple he walked over to where Strider was stood talking to an Elf Strider turned to Perri and said 'Perri I'd like you to meet Legolas he's been my friend for many years you can trust him ok', Perri smiled and said 'It's a pleasure to meet you Legolas'. 

Legolas smiled and said 'I have heard so many stories about you and your friends' Strider turned to Perri and said 'I have matters to attend to, so Perri I've asked Legolas to take you out for a ride and show you the area. Tomorrow you will join one of my training sessions', Perri quickly turned around and said 'I can't every-time I try to train I see the destroyer, tomorrow will be no different Strider', Strider placed his right hand on Perri's shoulder and said 'After you see this place where Legolas is going to take you, you'll never again fear the destroyers nightmares'.  

Perri saddled his horse and mounted up before following Legolas out of the dunedine ranger camp, eventually they reached their destination Perri jumped down from his horse and said 'So where are we what is this place', Legolas turned to Perri and said 'These are the crystal caves, they are the birth place of magic'. 

Meanwhile in Gile-ad Roselen was on her knee's in Gallbotorix's throne room with her hands bound behind her back Gallbotorix grabbed a handful of her hair and roughly pulled her head up before saying 'You will watch this', Roselen looked up into the seeing sphere and saw Perri walking into a trap. Back at the Dunedine rangers camp Sam was exploring the crypts nearby when he heard a noise coming from the darkness ahead of him he took a deep breath and said 'Who's there'.

Strider had heard Sam's voice from outside the crypt he ran in and said 'Sam what's wrong', Sam kept his eyes forward and said 'theres someone down here'. Strider held the fire torch forwards and said 'dont be afraid step into the light', Legolas stepped into the light and said 'Perri he's walking into a trap', in that moment strider realised that the destroyer had disguised himself as Legolas to get close to Perri.

Strider rallied the other protectors and they left the dunedine ranger camp and made their way towards the crystal caves.

*~*~*~*~* Line Break *~*~*~*~*

Perri walked further into caves he turned around and saw that Legolas had vanished, Perri's hands reached for his dagger and he quickly pulled it out when he heard a familiar voice in the shadows 'How well you've protected you friends all these years Perri, but now you cannot protect your friends and you can't even protect yourself', Perri spun round and said 'Face me you coward'. Roselen watched in the seeing sphere as the destroyer grabbed Perri round the waist and drove the dagger deep into Perri's left side as the destroyer walked off into the darkness he smiled sinisterly and said 'And don't worry Perri, I'll take great care of your daughter', Perri pushed himself up off the ground slightly and said 'Leave her alone I'm begging you'.

Strider and the protectors watched from afar as the Destroyer left the crystal caves, once they'd left they all made their way down to the cave entrance Jordan, Warren and Nathan stayed outside to keep watch whilst the others went into the caves to look for Perri. 

Eventually they came across several tunnels going in different directions Strider said 'Myself, Sam and Mitchell will go down this one you two go down that one

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Eventually they came across several tunnels going in different directions Strider said 'Myself, Sam and Mitchell will go down this one you two go down that one. Yell if you find Perri', after walking through the tunnel for a while Strider, Sam and Mitchell came across an entrance blocked by loads of rocks. Sam looked at Mitchell and said 'Help me Mitch I'm still weakened after healing Perri by the river' Mitchell nodded and said 'Strider take cover', both Sam and Mitchell turned back to the pile of rocks and raised their right hands and together said 'Bombarda'. 

With a gold flash in their eyes the pile of rocks was blasted away to reveal a semi conscious Perri clinging on for life, Strider carefully picked Perri up and said 'Perri hold on your going to be fine'.

Frost to fire and Fire to frost (Sequel to the Protectors)Where stories live. Discover now