Distant Threats

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This is book two of The Prophecy of Shadow series. If you have not yet read Rise of the Darkness, please read that first.

Please note that The Dragon of Charred Scales is darker in theme than Rise of the Darkness. Subjects such as violence, kidnapping, and death will appear at some point in this plot (though nothing too gory will appear). If these subjects bother you, please do not read on.

Chapter 1- Distant Threats


Three Months Later

Even in my dragon form, even with a fur coat designed for a spirit dragon's form, even with a warmth spell I have maintained almost constantly for the last two months, I shiver as I stand at the exit to the Sky Building. Winter means something cold here in Hasinji. In Kucho winter meant occasional cooler days preceded often by thunderstorms, especially here in February. I kind of miss the thunderstorms.

Frozen lake, frozen slopes, even frozen buildings. Some days do reach above freezing, but never by much. And certainly not during the mornings. Certainly not now.

Most days I am too tired to care about the weather. Woke up, read a little, eat breakfast, go to academic training, go to physical training, eat dinner, read a little more, go to sleep. Sometimes me and Novayar spend our evening reading time flying instead, but not that often. Between the cold and earlier workouts, we tend to just stay home.

Today is a rare day off, not just for us but for the whole clan. Every two months there is such a day so that everyone here can attend to matters elsewhere, rest up, or do whatever. Novayar has chosen to spend his day napping and reading. I feel like leaving for a bit.

A cold breeze asks me to reconsider. My wings do not need stretching; training has kept me fit and in shape. I really do not need another book to read. After the declaration that I will not be able to read anything pertaining to Anyle, my mind has not fixed on any one research subject. Instead I only choose books on subjects I am struggling on.

What I really want is some company, some other dragons who I can talk to and joke with, just like with my old friends in Kucho. But even that is impossible. The only other youngling here is Novayar and I do not dare distract him too much. As intense as my training is, his is more so with more to learn and less already known. No one else here is pushed so hard I would guess, but everyone else is stiff and focused on their reason for being here. No friends among them.

That only leaves me with one other option. I can fly beyond the borders of the clan, exploring the lands nearby. No one ever said we had to stay within the bounds of the shield or within a few miles of it. No one said we could not explore our surroundings. After all, we can hunt for ourselves. One day Novayar will have to fly well outside the clan when our Masters decide it is time for a true marathon flight and not just circles around Hasinji. They may bring me for that session too, testing my endurance. I certainly could use it.

But which direction? My wings carry me in lazy circles around the lake as I think. Go far enough south and the mountains get taller and then greener. The other directions have more of the same sights as here. But this is just what I have been told of the local geography. Only my eyes can really prove what is and is not around.

I could go explore some of the nearby human settlements from above. All are small, though. Nothing like any of the large cities we passed through on our way here.

I snort. So many things even out in the middle of nowhere. I could use some warmth and the south might be close enough to give it. Maybe when the weather warms back up, I will fly over one of those villages. The promise of warmer weather past the mountains to the south lures me. Warmth, greenery, and humidity. Who would ever think I would long for those after living so long in Florida? Not me.

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