Reforging a Bond

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Oh, a bed. The only thing to catch my attention when we were given this room. Finally, somewhere nice to sleep.

"A partition can be made if you two need some privacy. The little boxes on the nightstands will make a sound to indicate sunrise. This door will lock, and is magically secured against picking, so no one will barge in," said Hernat, the strength dragon showing us around.

He said this was a side area, so we would meet few dragons but would be less likely to get lost. Apparently the entirety of Oita is underground. I wonder when we will get to see the rest of it.

"Later on, you will be shown the rooms where you will learn. Right now, make yourselves at home. Get comfortable. Do you need that partition?"

We both nodded.

"I'll have someone come and make something. You won't see much of me after I leave, but there are many capable dragons that I trust and will help you. I advise against wandering around, though. As with any clan, there are many here that want to see a conjurer for the first time. Even in this little side cave. I hate to make you two think you are sequestered, but in time hopefully you will have full freedoms."

I sigh but nod. In both Kucho and Hasinji neither of us had the ability to go wherever we wanted very often. One day, we will be free. Well, as free as two dragons in a prophecy can be.

"A fortune dragon named Omizah will take my place as your guide. He'll be here this evening. Until then, enjoy your stay here. Welcome to Oita."

The strength dragon left and closed the door, leaving it unlocked. As soon as he did, I hurried to one of the beds and fell onto it. Even though it feels like straw or some other natural material in the mattress, it still feels soft.

Oculeera changed into her dragon form and sat on the other bed. Several flame lanterns light the cave walls around us. The cavern looks natural, or at least made to look natural. Not a box. No windows, though. No sun or wind. No drips from above. The whole place smells dry.

"It's different," Oculeera said after a few minutes. "I think they'll let us outside a lot for exercise. I hope."

"They will. They know my wings still need it."

"Yeah. It feels good in these caves. No chills. In the summer it will feel cool. But the rocks might drive me crazy."

I nod but say nothing. She grew up outdoors while I grew up indoors. This will be fine for me, as long as we get to go outside often. Hopefully she can adapt quickly. If not, I guess I will have to help her adapt. How, I have no clue.

"Is the bed more comfortable in human form?" she asked.

"I don't know. Just walking around this morning in human form just feels good after so long. Even if I had to be like this for secrecy."

"So much secrecy. And even here it continues. Sometimes I wonder just how much is being hidden from us."

"Probably just stuff that we don't really need to know. Logistics and things. I have a good feeling about this clan."

I could hear her shuffle on her bed. "You're that comfortable already?"

"Yes," I tell her. "Something about here just feels fine. Security here is better than even Hasinji. Hernat feels trustworthy, and any dragon he trusts probably will be fine too."

She snorted. "We've only just met him. I'll wait to judge until we meet Harogbas, if that dragon really is the leader here. He should reflect Oita as a whole, based on how Hernat spoke of him."

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