Blossoming Love and Withering Love

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"I think we can safely assume they don't know where you are yet," said Servina after he and Oculeera returned to the basement. The clock on the wall showed 9:08 PM, so night has fallen. It feels like we have been here for a while.

"Tomorrow I'll start talking to others I know. They might be able to get you to Talbagu quickly. They'll know more about Talbagu's leader than I as well. All I know is that between him and Harogbas... I'd rather face Harogbas, despite that black dragon's strength."

"What kind of dragon is this leader?" I asked.

"He's not. I'm not sure what kind of Lakis, he is, other than that he is a Dragon Foe. He's very secretive."

"We'll take care of him later," I said. "Right now, Harogbas is our concern."

"Of course. I'd rather you three sleep down here. I don't want anyone finding you and tearing up my house. I'll continue to keep watch up here." With that, the elf ascended the stairs.

It has been a long day for Novayar and Oculeera, and they both look ready to fall asleep. The couch, with its odd shape, can sleep two humans. I think I'll let them take the space. I slept enough earlier.

"I'll take the floor," Novayar said through a yawn.

"No, you won't," I said, standing up. "I'm going to stay up for a while. You two get the couch."

"Are you sure?"


I walked over to the television and searched for the off button. These things sure have changed through the decades, with their more compact profile, color pictures, and location of the buttons. But there is still a cord that powers this, I see.

"There is a remote control," Novayar said.

I turn to see him hold a small device. "Turn off this thing."

With a single movement of his finger, the television went black. The room was now only lit by a tall lamp in the corner, emitting bright white light.

"Last time I lived among the humans, technology was a far cry from what it is today," I tell them. "Television was a rare and expensive thing."

"You had one then?" Novayar asked.

I shook my head. "No. I had little during that time other than anger at the humans. Harogbas, ever the thinker and plotter, had access to research labs infiltrated by other dragons. He showed me some human technology to further familiarize myself in case I decided to leave Shagawzon for a human city. Television had the potential to become a mass communication device that I could use to tell a version of my story. I knew little of his ideas, but at that time he was willing to help me with mine."

I moved away from the flat panel television and looked at both dragons. Both so young, so full of potential. Though now dim from fatigue, I can see the fire that burnt in Oculeera, how she was able to say with such certainty that she would kill Harogbas. The one dragon I remember back in Kucho wanting to know more about humans, though she is as fierce a dragon as I have seen.

Novayar is a kind soul, however. He lacks the fierceness and the fight I associate with dragons. We must be strong. But perhaps his strengths will suit him well for other purposes. I mentioned how dragons are meant to be guardians of life, fighting against anything that would harm it. Maybe he would be one of those dragons who works to make life better instead. Maybe he will be the one that makes humans see that they are the true monsters, not us.

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