Secrets Stirring

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     The warm, soothing waters had allowed me to fall asleep. I do not know how much time passed, but I feel so much better. Those spells really do work.

     Just outside of the pool, there is a large room for dragons to transform in and store their clothes. Obviously by the size this whole area is meant to serve many dragons at once. The pool certainly is large enough, larger than I thought. A spirit dragon could probably fit in it.

     In the dim light, I search for my plain human clothes, placed in a small compartment in one corner. Human eyes really are inferior. I contemplate switching into dragon form for its advantages but finally I find them. Though I am still wet, I put them on. I will be in my dragon body soon enough, and as I dry in that form, these clothes too will dry.

     Thoughts of Karomba and Novayar and the rest of that nest had floated out of my mind while soaking, and those thoughts are slow to return. Right now is time for me.

     Returning to my majestic form, I head for the exit, but I stop when I see another strength dragon out of the corner of my eye. I turn towards her, only to see that she is standing like me.

     "Oh, a mirror," I whisper, glad that no one else is around. I have not stood before a mirror in decades. This one was built for strength dragons judging by the width.

     Conjuring a small soft light above me, I look at my reflection. See how Harogbas and others see me. I see a fine-looking dragon, one worthy of the looks I occasionally see and of the advances I had to deal with in Shagawzon. Though respect is earned through deeds and ability, we are not always oblivious to appearance, and I must be the envy of some strength dragons. Even at an older age than they are.

     It is amazing how just a reflective sheet of glass can show a dragon, or anyone, a whole different perspective.

     I bare my teeth, looking to see how clean they are. Though no longer white, they still look healthy and sharp. I do not think my teeth have been perfectly white in a few decades, but no dragon can completely escape the passage of time. Yellowing of the teeth are proof.

     Then I look up at the crest of my head, my horns and the protrusions they rest on. Normally on a strength dragon they stand proud and tall, but mine look kind of droopy. How long have they been like that? Only really old dragons have droopy horns.

     The rest of me looks otherwise fine. Thin from winter rationing, but otherwise normal. Lean with hints of pure muscle. No signs of the threat from those tumors everyone is worried about. They think I am dying. I look and feel just fine still. Old, maybe, but not sick. And I have felt fine for a long while since their diagnosis.

     I smile when I look over all my scales. All are present, rough, and intact. Hued their original colors with no fading. The way they should be. Not even that old looking. Those who think I am going to die early have bad vision. I have seen dragons a little younger than me start to lose color in their scales.

     Satisfied with my appearance, I let the light fade. Sooner or later I ought to leave this room, return to my residence or maybe hunt. Wait for the others to tell me about Karomba.

     I was just settling in on my bedding of straw when Hernat snaked his head into my room.

     "Jheecu? You have a moment?"


     "Want to go see the dragon we brought? One of your hatchlings?"

     I nodded. "I met with Karomba on my way to that hot spring."

The Dragon of Charred ScalesWhere stories live. Discover now