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Three Weeks Later

As much as she begged, I did not share my room with Lamau at any point since finding her. She got her own room nearby, but I told her my room was off limits. Sometimes I need some peace and quiet and distance from her, an energetic youngling only a fraction of my age. In the last two weeks she has excitedly chattered more time than I have slept. And I have been sleeping in on many of the days. More time to myself, more time to completely ignore the stiffness and fatigue slowly building in my joints.

I look at the entrance, knowing she is just outside, out of sight. Her magic is strong like a beacon, yet she has never used it. Magically she might be a prodigy for a strength dragon, at least in regard to magical stamina. Ability remains to be seen.

But I am sure that no matter her magical ability, she will progress faster than Karomba, whom I have never found. Hernat gave up the search quickly, and so did I soon after. She could be anywhere outside the clan, and certainly is not inside it. The thought that she is missing makes me sad, but with her opinions being what they are, being here will do her little good. At least I keep saying that to myself.

I still want to talk to Harogbas as soon as I can. He has been gone for a while, with no word on when he will return. Probably one of his big trips to that other clan halfway across the world that shares a common vision with Oita. Those take a few weeks.

Taking a deep breath, I prepare my mind to endure another day with Lamau. She is a breath of fresh air, but she takes up too much of my energy. She will become a true dragon very quickly as a result, but it will make me a lazy one. No wonder I can't have any more young. It was my body's way of saying I'm getting too old to deal with some of these hatchlings.

"Jheecu, it's morning," she called out, still out of sight.

"I know," I growled back. I need to talk to someone about having an actual Master teaching her Draconian and history. Someone to take over her training every other day.

"I want to fly," she replied.

Of course, she wants to fly. I want to go flying. But she lacks the wing strength. She knows that. Maybe I can carry her human form, though I don't want to. We dragons do not carry other dragons without a necessary cause.

Grudgingly, I get up to stick my head outside of my room. There she stands, in dragon form still, wings shaking with excitement. Even when she discovers how to transform I doubt she will anytime soon.

"Hernat told me to tell you that we ought to go flying. I know I can't, but maybe you can carry me."

I growl a little. "Of course, he did. But I'm not going to carry you. If you want to fly, you must exercise your wings. That is what we will do today."

I smile after saying that, and Lamau groaned. I have had her to exercise her wings once under my guidance. I have told her to continue the motions in her free time. But when I taught her, she could barely move her wings after several hours. It is the best way to burn through seventeen years of inactivity and softness.

"Hey, you want to fly. Most everyone will have you take it easy until they deem you ready. I'm going to accelerate your training so that we can fly to Kucho together sooner."

"Really? We're going?"

"One day, with Harogbas as well. But that is still far in the future. You need to learn to fly before you learn to fly long distances."

In the back of my mind, I wonder if Novayar can even fly yet. Doubtful. Even if he had the spirit of a dragon in him, the ones training him would likely be very cautious, so nothing happens to him. It will keep him alive but make him soft.

The Dragon of Charred ScalesWhere stories live. Discover now