Who is the Enemy?

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A low rumble sounded through the air, returning me to full consciousness. I was almost asleep, too.

"Sorry," Dalquiri mumbled. "Hungry."

We all were hungry, having not eaten since leaving Akbai. That was late yesterday afternoon, over a full day ago. And the meal was very small, even for my and Novayar's size. Let alone Dalquiri's.

Somewhere Tabal was out hunting. It was an arrangement we had on our way to Akbai clan. Dalquiri or I could have hunted for us all, but Dalquiri did not want to risk it. Still does not. We need to stay together, all three of us. Tabal was not disposable, but he was a lot more inconspicuous.

"Why does being hungry in dragon form hurt more than in human form?" Novayar asked.

"Instinct," answered Dalquiri.

No hope of sleep now. I was hoping to use it to ignore my own hunger.

"How are we going to make it across the ocean if we get hungry this quickly?" Novayar asked.

"I will eat a lot the day before setting across. I will also hunt extra for meat to carry for you two. It will hurt, and I will need to stop as soon as we find a place to land. But we'll be closer to Alaska by the time we start the crossing so the trip will be easier."

"Won't the extra weight slow you down? We can go hungry for as long as you." I tell her. Not something Novayar might agree to, but being hungry is better than drowning.

"It will, but not enough to endanger us. I know my limits."

I hear Novayar sigh with relief.

"You won't have that much food, young one. You will learn to eat wisely," she mumbled back, stomach growling again.

I hold back a chuckle. Humans always had food in pantries and other cases, I have been told. Witnessed it during my time among them in Orlando. In Kucho we rarely saved any food unless it was able to be saved for longer than a day, like herbs. Of course, we had spells to preserve meat, but never had a good enough reason. So, we had to hunt for our meals or hunt for others. If we failed, we went hungry. It was a good motivator to learn how to hunt.

"Hopefully Tabal has something big," Novayar said.

Around us, the sun has completely set, though some light still appeared over the western horizon. Many stars have already appeared. I would not count on Tabal finding much. "If Tabal only finds something small, then only Dalquiri will eat," I tell him.

He moaned. "I know. But I'm just so hungry. If I could I would actually hunt. Or maybe find some edible plant, or something."

"And just what do you know about wild edibles here, Novayar?" Dalquiri asked.

"Not much."

"Not enough to know what is edible and what will kill you. I can't even say what is good or not, otherwise we would be gathering. No, it is best for us to follow Oculeera's lead and try to sleep through our hunger."

"Kind of hard when we're all talking," I said through a yawn. Nighttime is here and I just want to sleep, just as much as I want to eat.

"I could do a sleep spell if you two want."

I shake my head. "No, I don't like my sleep patterns being controlled. I can do my own sleep spell if I need."

"Fine. Novayar?"

"If she doesn't like them, then I'll pass. For now."

"Fine again. I'll keep watch. You two get under my wing."

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