Memories Will Fade

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Rebekah and I talked and laughed loudly as music blasted throughout the bar around us now. People crowded around the band that was playing on stage as Damon came over to us with shots. "Is this allowed? What would Lexi say?" I asked sarcastically and watched as Rebekah smirked.

"Lexi thought the only way I would turn my emotions back on was if I started enjoying my life again." Damon replied as he rolled his eyes before we all clinked our glasses together.

"Do not tell me she took you to Bon Jovi concerts, too." Rebekah stated in disapproval and I rose an eyebrow.

"No. Wrong decade." Damon corrected and I smirked at him before we downed our shots and put the glasses on the table. "Lexi wasn't allowed to feed with Stefan. I didn't have that problem, and neither does Elena.. or you." Damon stated with a smirk before gesturing his hand towards me. I smiled and exchanged a glance with Rebekah as Damon started dragging us both towards the dance floor and I laughed, dancing in circles while my hair bounced to the music.

"I'm hungry." I pouted towards Damon as I realized that I still haven't eaten and my stomach was hurting somewhat. Damon rose his eyebrow before looking at all of the people surrounding us.

"Pick one." Damon whispered in my ear as he grabbed me from behind, dancing closely to me and I smirked and looked around us. I saw a blonde woman who was standing somewhat still as she watched the band play intensely, moving her body to the beat as she held a drink in her hand. I smiled and danced away from Damon and towards her before I turned to face her.

"Don't scream." I compelled her calmly and she stood still almost emotionlessly. I grabbed her and pulled her towards me, sinking my teeth into her neck and closing my eyes. I sighed in relief as I felt the familiar taste of blood fill my mouth and throat. I pulled away and looked up at Damon smiling before he stepped towards us and I sunk my teeth back into her neck as Damon sunk his on the other side of me. In a few seconds he retreated and turned towards Rebekah who stood off to the side of us.

"Your turn." Damon stated as he gestured towards her. Rebekah smirked as she took his place and sunk her teeth into the same spot Damon had his. I smirked and pulled away from the girl and turned, watching Damon walk towards an exit door of the bar that led upstairs to some apartments. Rebekah pulled away from the girl and I turned towards her and sighed in boredom.

"Leave." I compelled the woman in some annoyance and watched as she did as told.

"Looks like Damon gave us the slip." Rebekah stated gesturing at where he ran off to.

"Good. Hopefully he'll find whatever he's looking for and then I can take it." I stated with a smirk before I walked towards the bar and she followed as I gestured two fingers towards the bartender who nodded.

"And what if you can't? I mean, he is stronger than you." Rebekah replied as she leant her back against the bar and I furrowed my eyebrows. "You know, I could help you. You want to tell your mother to buzz off, I want to take the cure. We could work together." Rebekah stated smirking at me.

"Work together? I know we're family and all but.. Don't you hate me?" I asked with furrowed brows and Rebekah sighed.

"I hate your sister. Well, the moral, self-righteous version of her at least. You're the only Pretova doppelgänger than I can stand. That's a compliment." Rebekah pointed out and I chuckled at her and shook my head.

"Elena doesn't want the cure now that she has her humanity shut off.. So you think she'll mind when it's turned back on?" I asked raising my eyebrow at Rebekah as I thought about it before I sighed. "Do you even remember what it's like to be human? Weak, fragile? Why would you want to go back to that?" I asked her in confusion as two shots were out in front of Rebekah and I.

I'm Mariana Pierce.. (TVD Fanfiction.- Sequel to I'm Mariana Gilbert!(:)Where stories live. Discover now