What Lies Beneath

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I sat on Caroline's bed as she got ready near her dresser while I looked down at my phone. I rolled my eyes and tossed it away from me as I noticed there weren't any recent calls or texts. A gasp cane from beside me and I rose an eyebrow as Elena shot up in her bed, breathing and panting heavily as sweat lined her forehead. "You okay?" Caroline asked in concern from where she stood behind me, next to her dresser.

"Yeah.." Elena answered, furrowing her eyebrows as she cane out of her sleep. "I—I just had a really weird dream.. About Stefan." She pointed out and I tilted my head at her intrigued.

"Well, I guess my mom's not here yet. I'm gonna go grab a table and get us some coffees." Caroline stated as we walked into the Grill and I nodded back at her.

"Go for it." I replied, watching her walk away as the sound of keys hitting the floor came from behind me. I turned around to see Elena staring into complete space while her car keys lay on the floor beneath her. I rose an eyebrow and picked up the keys before I put a hand on her shoulder. "Lena?" I asked, tilting my head at her curiously before we both walked slowly towards the table Caroline sat at. I took off my coat and put it on the back of my chair as a waitress came over and put coffees in front of the three of us.

"My mom's five minutes away." Caroline stated with a sigh and I gave her a small nod before she looked at Elena in confusion. "Elena?" She asked, noticing how Elena was staring into space. "Hello? Elena." Care asked again and I watched as Elena blinked and jumped somewhat confused as she came back into reality. Elena looked between Caroline and I before back towards the door.

"How did I get here? We were just standing at the doorway." Elena stated as she looked back at me and I rose an eyebrow.

"Uh, we walked." I answered sarcastically, making her roll he eyes as she pondered to herself.

"Hang on, did you just have one of those 'dreams'? Like right here?" Caroline asked skeptically as she gestured around us.

"It didn't feel like a dream.. it felt like it was real, like I was just there." Elena stated with a sigh and I silently sipped my coffee.

"Maybe your dreams about Stefan are telling you something." I suggested in amusement and she sighed loudly and folded her arms over her chest.

"It's not just about Stefan, okay—I mean, our parents were still alive. It was like a different life." Elena pointed out with furrowed brows and I rose mine. I opened my mouth to respond before my phone started ringing and I quickly grabbed it.

"Hello?" I asked, watching Caroline and Elena look at me and probably listening in to see if it was Damon.

"Hey, Mar." A familiar voice stated from the phone and I sighed, sitting back in my seat.

"Stefan, hey. Everything okay?" I asked as I looked between Elena and Caroline who looked at me curiously.

"Well, you know how you talk to me about problems you're having with Damon and I try to comfort you to the best of my ability? Yeah, I need you to do that for me." Stefan pointed out and I slowly sat forward in my seat.

"Is this about Damon?" I asked in a serious tone and heard Stefan sigh deeply from the phone.

"Not this time.. I was walking to my car and I nearly got plowed over in the middle of the street because I was having some vision of Elena." Stefan stated and I furrowed my eyebrows as Caroline, Elena and I all shared the same confused look.

"Well, I'm going to comfort you in the best way possible.. And tell you that somethings definitely going on. And not just with you." I replied in a serious tone as I let out a deep breath and sipped my coffee again.

I'm Mariana Pierce.. (TVD Fanfiction.- Sequel to I'm Mariana Gilbert!(:)Where stories live. Discover now