Pray for the Dying

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"Calculator. Calculator." Elena said moving things around the dorm room quickly. "Mariana where is the-" Elena started but I cut her off by picking Kai up off the the table and grabbing what was under him and throwing it at her but she caught it. "Of course.. Under the catatonic serial killer." She replied and I smirked putting a sleeping Kai down again as the front door opened and Damon walked in.

"Hey." He said gesturing at us and Elena looked at him.

"Hey." She replied in acknowledgment.

"Sandwich?" Damon asked her and I rolled my eyes.

"I can't. I'm uh, late for my volunteer shift at the hospital." Elena pointed out hurriedly and I smirked.

"Oh, but I can." I countered, grabbing Damon's sandwhich and taking a bite.

"I really wish I could say that's new.. But I can't." Damon stated as I smirked giving him back the sandwich. "But that is." Damon said looking at my hand and I nodded.

"Daylight ring. Joe made me a new one and she didn't have a necklace. You like?" I asked raising my eyebrow down at it and Damon shrugged.

"Depends. Does it work?" Damon asked raising an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I'm here, aren't I?" I asked annoyed at him.

"Yeah, inside a shady apartment." He countered and I scoffed stepping by the window where light was shinning in.

"See? I know everyone has their doubts about Joe's magic but a little support while she gets strong enough to merge with Kai wouldn't kill anyone." Elena stated in annoyance before walking out of the apartment.

"Speaking of killing." Damon added walking to where Kai was laid out on the table passed out from the drugs we gave him. "Is he still counting sheep or whatever the hell psychopaths dream of?" He asked and I slowly sighed crossing my arms over my chest.

"Look, Alaric's gone out of town to get some Mystical thing or whatever to help Joe win the merge and he put me in charge of Freya.. Which means that you're in charge of him." I said gesturing at Kai and Damon furrowed his eyebrows.

"But-" he stated in protest and I rolled my eyes cutting him off.

"No buts. Freya and I are going to the park and who the hell knows after that but, we will take it step after step same as you should do with that." I said pointing at Kai in annoyance.

"You look cute when you're trying to be snooty." Damon said and I laughed shaking my head at him. "And by any chance are you free tonight? Maybe we can go watch a French flick and throw popcorn at hipsters." He added and I laughed shaking my head.

"We went on that date like a year ago.. And danced in the rain before making out after that.." I whispered before looking at him. "Pick me up at six." I smirked before I laughed shaking my head and going to Freya's room and grabbing her. I smiled a bit putting her in her car seat and walking back into the living room with her cooing. "Say bye to Uncle Damon." I added rubbing her cheek gently and waving at Damon. I looked up at him smiling and he looked between Freya and I and gave me a weak smile.

"Bye." Damon gestured, giving a small wave before turning towards Kai and I sighed before we walked out.

-Time Skip-

"Okay, Freya is in playing with some of the nurses so tell me what I'm looking at." I stated as Joe, Damon, Elena, Stefan and I stood in the dark room inside of the hospital.

"Okay, I had Duke send over Colin's medical records. This head scan is from earlier this week." Joe said as we looked at one on the left and I rose my eyebrow. "This one is from ten minutes ago, taken right here." Joe added putting up another picture and showing a massive change in the brain and size of tumor.. "See all that red?" She asked raising her eyebrow and I slowly sighed.

I'm Mariana Pierce.. (TVD Fanfiction.- Sequel to I'm Mariana Gilbert!(:)Where stories live. Discover now