Don't go too Quick

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"Principle Webber, I know that graduation isn't for a few months.. But Jeremy just got accepted into this great art school." I stated handing him the application and acceptance letter.

"Jeremy Gilbert? I don't think so. Not with his academic record." Webber countered, putting the paper beside him.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked turning towards Damon and eyeing him before turning back to Mr. Webber.

"You got a few hours?" He scoffed and I slowly sighed. "Let's start with drug use in his freshman year." Webber added tilting his head at me.

"You mean the year that his parents died." Damon stated raising his eyebrow.

"Okay. So, what's the excuse of the next three years of woeful attendance?" The principal asked and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Extracurricular activities, health and fitness, that sort of thing." Damon replied shrugging. "I mean, did you see how scrawny he used to be?" He added raising an eyebrow sarcastically.

"No." The principle stated with no emotion. "But I do recall the four months when he faked his own death." He added looking at me skeptically and I rolled my eyes.

"Funny thing about that is the he actually didn't fake it, we went to this island which is off the coast of Canada... In search of the cure for vampirism-" Damon started and I cut him off.

"Damon." I warned in annoyance.

"Is this some sort of joke to you?" The principle asked looking between us and I rolled my eyes at him.

"No. Look, Jeremy has had a rough time here, I know but that is also part of the reason why we want him to go in the first place." I shrugged and he rose his eyebrow at me.

"Yeah." Damon nodded in agreement, obviously not helping and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well, I'm sorry but I can't let him go." Webber argued and I turned to Damon in annoyance.

"Can we try this my way now? We already compelled the art school to accept him." I stated shaking my head at him.

"He deserves a degree, Mariana." Damon pushed and I scoffed.

"He'll get one.. He just wouldn't have earned it." I pointed out before standing up and looking at the principle. "This small-town atmosphere doesn't nurture a creative spirit like Jeremy Gilbert and it's also in your opinion that it's about high time he got the hell out of Mystic Falls." I compelled him with a smirk.

We walked into Mystic Grill as Damon carried Jeremy's hat and diploma. I smiled as Jeremy saw us from the table he was sitting at with beers surrounding him. "Look who graduated!" Damon said sarcastically, hitting the diploma on Jeremy's chest hard and Jere grunted, grabbing it before Damon put the hat on him also.

"He was okay with it?" Jeremy asked furrowing his eyebrows at us with a small laugh.

"Sure. I mean, practically flunking, missing a hundred and one days of school—And you can barely spell the word 'cat', but he was fine with you graduating school early." Damon shrugged looking at me skeptically and I rolled my eyes.

"We helped the, uh—process along." I pointed out shrugging and looking away from Jeremy guiltily.

"Mm-hmm." Jeremy stated smirking at me as Damon plopped his arm on my shoulder and I rolled my eyes.

I'm Mariana Pierce.. (TVD Fanfiction.- Sequel to I'm Mariana Gilbert!(:)Where stories live. Discover now