Remebering You

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I sat at the diner near Whitmore, outside of Mystic Falls, looking over the menu. After a minute of sitting at a table by myself, Ric came in and I smiled when I saw who he brought with him. "Hi baby girl." I smiled, grabbing her as Ric sat down across from me. "How's daddy liking long nights with little Freya?" I asked, looking up at Ric with a small smile.

"It's exhausting if we're being honest." Ric answered, sighing heavily and I laughed looking at her. She really did look like Jenna.. I sighed, grabbing three books that I had in my bag and put them on the table in front of him. "You already read all of that?" He asked me in disbelief.

"Cover to cover." I pointed out, looking back down at Freya. "With no mention of how to un-do an anti-dimensional force field. If I'm going to single handedly take back our town.. I'm gonna need a little bit more to go on." I added with a sigh as I looked back up at him.

"Got it. Alright, Well, I brought Ancient Witchcraft: Volume Two." Ric replied, getting it out of his bag and holding it up to me and I nodded.

"I read it." I countered, and he gave me a short nod and looked away.

"Okay." Ric replied, clearing his throat and putting it on the table next to him. "How about The Art of Hexing: An Element of Magic." He added, pulling out another one and I rose my eyebrow taking it.

"Fine. Thank you." I nodded looking back and sighing. "So how's Stefan?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"He's okay." Ric answered, tilting his head back at me as I gently patted Freya's back and I slowly nodded.

"How often do you talk to him?" I asked, looking down at Freya as I pretended like I didn't actually care.

"I don't know. Couple times a week." Ric shrugged as a smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh.. Huh." I stated with a dry chuckle as I looked away from him and he sighed, sitting up in his seat.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here, Caroline." Ric started as Freya fussed in my arms quietly. "Is something bothering you?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and I sighed looking down.

"He didn't say goodbye.." I whispered looking back up at him. "Neither did Mariana—Damon and Bonnie died and they both just left. No phone calls, no e-mails. Nothing. Just disappeared into thin air and I haven't heard anything from them in months." I scoffed, looking away from him again.

"I know what you're thinking and no.. They didn't run off together." Ric reassured in amusement and I rolled my eyes at him. "Now, it's not my call to tell you where either of them are because I don't even know.. But maybe, they just don't want to bother you with every half lead that goes no where." He added and I slowly nodded.

"Yeah, or maybe I have to get over it. Anyway, thanks for the books." I said, giving Freya back to him and getting ready to leave but he stopped me.

"Caroline, he just wants to start a new life.." Ric replied with a sigh and I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"And no one else does? He lost his brother. I lost my best friend and Mariana lost her best friend, boyfriend and aunt in the span of a summer, Alaric. Nobody has heard from her since Damon and Bonnie vanished and she didn't even come back for Jenna's funeral. She's completely vanished." I pointed out in disappointment and watched as Alaric looked down at Freya.

I'm Mariana Pierce.. (TVD Fanfiction.- Sequel to I'm Mariana Gilbert!(:)Where stories live. Discover now