Handle Me With Care

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I walked down the hall from the stairs as the front door opened and Caroline walked in. Katherine walked in behind her and let out a huge sigh as Caroline shut the door. "The cute one's here." Katherine said in boredom, looking into the living room and I rolled my eyes.

"She's all yours." Caroline stated in annoyance towards me and I nodded back at her as she walked into the library where Stefan was. Katherine turned towards me and folded her arms over her chest as Tessa walked down the hall opposite of me.

"Let me guess.. you must be.. Who now?" Tessa asked in amusement as she smirked at Katherine who scoffed lightly.

"Let's get something clear.. I don't care about Bonnie Bennett or the other side going away." Katherine pointed out in annoyance and Tessa tilted her head back at her.

"You want something.. I'm shocked." Tessa stated sarcastically and I smirked a bit.

"I had the cure you created running through my veins. When Silas sucked it out of me—" Katherine started, cutting herself off with a deep sigh, making Tessa raise an eyebrow. "I started aging faster than normal. So basically—I'm dying and I need you to fix me. You made the cure. Now make something that stops the aging so I can be here for my daughter a little bit longer.. or no blood for you." She added with a slight shrug. I rose an eyebrow at Katherine as silence surrounded us and I looked at Tessa.

"There was meant to be a please in there somewhere." I stated in annoyance and Tessa smirked at me before looking back at Katherine and narrowing her eyes.

"Fine. When the ritual is finished, and Bonnie is the anchor, we'll find a way to stop you from dying." Tessa countered and Katherine rose her eyebrow in surprise.

"Thank you." Katherine replied in a somewhat cheerful tone while Tessa walked towards the living room.

"Now, where's tweedledee and tweedledum?" Tessa asked with a sigh before she walked away from us.

"I'll be with Damon making sure Silas isn't anywhere near here when the spell starts." I pointed out before Katherine nodded back at me in agreement. I walked into the library and rose my eyebrow as Stefan nor Caroline were there, only Damon. "Where'd they go?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him as he stood beside the fireplace.

"Well, hopefully not too far. They're gonna miss the part where Amara dies and Bonnie comes back to life." Damon stated in amusement and I nodded in some agreement, about to open my mouth before he cut me off. "So how are things with you and Mommy Katherine? Did you have a nice conversation and mend things?" He asked sarcastically and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, we talked. Which is something we couldn't have been able to do if you killed her permanently." I pointed out in annoyance as I leant in the library doorway.

"How many times have I apologized for that? How many more times do I have to say I'm sorry until I'm out of the dog house?" Damon asked in defeat as he turned towards me fully and I shrugged.

"It's not about how many times you say sorry, Damon." I argued as I walked towards him now and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Don't you think you should have talked to me before trying to kill my mother?" I asked in slight anger, only for him to look away from me and clench his jaw. "Stefan killed your father. I'm sure even with the bad blood between you two, you weren't exactly thrilled when you found out." I stated and Damon looked towards me, about to open his mouth before all of the power in the house shut off completely. I furrowed my eyebrows as the only thing lighting the room was the fireplace. "Damon?" I asked with tension in my voice before I felt his hand grab my arm.

I'm Mariana Pierce.. (TVD Fanfiction.- Sequel to I'm Mariana Gilbert!(:)Where stories live. Discover now