Twenty-Seven Across

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-Four Months Ago-


I opened my eyes after I noticed the bright light disappear.. I looked around me but saw everything the same.. The same cemetery, same clothes. I looked beside me and down at Bonnie who furrowed her eyebrows. We both looked down and realized we were still holding hands before quickly letting go. "Well that got awkward fast. Ahem." I stated sarcastically, noticing it was light outside instead of dark.

"What happened? Where is everyone?" Bonnie asked, furrowing her eyebrows when we saw that we were the only two people standing in the cemetery now. Mariana, Jeremy, Stefan—they weren't here anymore. I watched Bonnie walked away from me and I rose my eyebrow.

"Hey, where you going? Hey—" I asked, before quickly following after her. We walked through the cemetery before we found the street leading out of it and towards town. We walked for some time before houses and buildings appeared next to us and I brought my hand up to my mouth before I nodded. "Well, I feel a fang. I'm still a vampire." I sighed, looking around us. "Either I'm a dead vampire or Mystic Falls is no longer magic-free." I pointed out as I looked around curiously as we came closer into town square.

"Look." Bonnie gestured, nodding towards something and I looked at what she was staring at before I furrowed my eyebrows at The Grill... Still standing. Completely intact.

"I definitely blew that up about an hour ago." I replied staring at the perfect building in front of us.

"Why aren't there any people?" Bonnie asked, looking around at a perfectly quiet Mystic Square. "If we're at least on the other side, we should still be able to see the living." She pointed out in confusion and I rose my eyebrow and slowly turned, eyeing the town around me.

"Where the hell are we?—And I don't mean geographically." I countered sarcastically and looked at all of the cars that were parked around us yet, no person inhabiting them.

"I have no idea." Bonnie answered quietly and I rose an eyebrow down at her as she looked back at me, taken aback.


"You took her on a witch hunt?" I asked in some disbelief as Elijah and I stood in the dinning room while Klaus sat in a chair at the table, reading to himself.

"I simply wanted to persuade those sighed to locate the White Oak stake for me. When they proved unable to do so... I let Hayley have her fun." Klaus replied with a small smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"She grows more savage everyday, Klaus. Can you not see she is falling apart?" Elijah asked in defense as he walked closer to his brother who sighed.

"Perhaps the problem is your standards are too high." Nik countered and I furrowed my eyebrows at him as he didn't look up at us. "Hayley is one of us now. Being a vampire only exaggerates what you truly are.. and wolves are wild things." He added in amusement and I sighed, leaning against the wall. "She knows of the pretty little picture you have of her in your head, Elijah. Your judgement only hurts her more." Klaus stated quietly and I rose an eyebrow at Elijah who sighed.

"I am tying to help her. And I asked you to help her, brother—" Elijah started before Klaus quickly stood up and slammed the book on the table.

"I am helping her. You should have seen how much she was smiling from ear to ear, all the while witches' blood covered her. She is embracing this. A little less criticism from you, and Hayley will be just fine." Klaus countered and I rolled my eyes back at him and leant against the back of a chair.

I'm Mariana Pierce.. (TVD Fanfiction.- Sequel to I'm Mariana Gilbert!(:)Where stories live. Discover now