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"Y/N! Y/N! WAKE UUUPPP!" Someone yells. I squint my eyes and see my younger sister, Jenna.

"Leave me alone you hoe."I said and stuffed my soft pillow into my face.

"Pleasssseee I need you to do me a favor." She pleaded.

"And you think I'm going to get up?" I snapped still half asleep, not able to process what's going on.

"Um I was hoping." She snatched my pillow.

"HEY COME ON! GIVE IT BACK!" I said as we went into a World War III, Tug-A-War edition. "LET.. IT.... GOO!" I said and she let go, sending me flying backwards. I banged my head on my dresser and I muttered a curse word.

"Now will you listen to my favor?" She asked and I flicked her off. "Nice to finally have your attention."

"Now I need you to go to Target and get me a couple things." She sat next to me on the floor.

"Okay is that all?" I sighed.

"Oh and if you meet any cute boys get a number for me." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"PUH-LEASE I haven't seen one cute boy around here. Even if I do see one I doubt I'd get their number." I crossed my arms.

"Whatever, just please. Mom isn't letting me borrow her car because that one time I crashed into Starbucks." I opened my mouth to talk but she cut me off, "Thats a story for another day." She waved me off.

She handed me a paper which I'm assuming is her list.

"Okay well looks like I'm going to Target. yay." I said sarcastically.


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