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• Jenna's POV •

After y/n left I stood alone in my room.

Everything just happened so fast. I, I couldn't think. My mind was blank.

I mean, what were you supposed to think after something like that happened?

Wait? Why was my window even opened in the first place? I swear I'm a fuçk tard.

I banged my head against the door a couple times while I listened to the giggles from my sister.

It isn't fair. What have I done so bad that I don't deserve Alex.


The truth is I actually knew Alex before y/n. But I can't believe I just let her at him.

I fiddled through my purse for my change.

"How long are you going to take ma'am." The Target employee with bright red colored hair said.

"Calm down. And ew, wtf I'm not a ma'am I'm only 15." I shuddered at the thought of being old.

"Closing time in 10 minutes." A voice boomed over the intercom.

"Huuurrry uuuuuppp." The guy groaned.

I felt rushed so my fingers slipped and my purse dropped to the floor dropping all my items. I sighed.

"Mikey, not going to help the lady?"

I looked up and saw a gorgeous guy. Is it possible to look that good in a red polo and khakis.

He started to walk over to me and bent down to help me.

"T-thanks." I stuttered when he finished.

"No problem. Sorry about Mikey, he doesn't have a lot of friends."

"I HAVE FRIENDS." Mikey said with a scoff.

'"Where dey at doe?" Alex smirked. We all laughed even Mikey.

"I'm just in a bad mood. Alex, me and my girlfriend had a fight." Mikey admitted.

"Well hope that works out." Alex grinned while I stared at his eyes.

Alex then left and I was left with Mikey. I found my change and handed it to him.

"Uh see you around." He said in a low voice. I just nodded still day dreaming about Alex.

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