I shipped it

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• Y/N •

"God damit that noise is getting annoying." Alex whined.

"I agree. Why don't you just turn off your phone, wouldn't that be a smart idea?" I snorted.

"Yea but I'm too lazy, couldn't you just turn it off for me."

I rolled my eyes and threw his phone across the room. The phone stopped dinging and Alex stared at me wide eyed. "There, no more noise."


"What? You broke my phone! This was just revenge, now you know what it feels like." I crossed my arms.

"You know how hard it is to sit here and WATCH you on your phone?!" I asked.

"As hard as my dick right now?" He smirked waiting for my reaction.

I clenched my fists, "UGH! You're a fucking pervert and a dick!"

"Well I do have one." He said with confidence in his voice.

I growled and it seemed like Alex found this amusing, which made me want to beat his ass even more.

"I fucking hate you." I whispered.


"Stfu please. I need to punch something." I paced around the room as Alex watched.

"Never seen this side of you y/n. You're going super crazy."


He was right I'm on my period. I am going crazy and Im not in the mood for his teasing.

"Can we just go out?" I asked siting down.

"Wow um, y/n. Didn't think you had it in you to ask firs-"

"To eat." I said raising my eyebrow. "Wow I really need to give more detail into what I say."

"You do." Alex said nodding.

"Please lets go, I can already taste the burgers."

"Well I was thinking of Chinese." Alex muttered loud enough for me to hear.

"Well too bad! Were having burgers."

"I want 6 burgers please." I said proudly.

Alex and the employee both stared at me wide eyed.

"Now." I say and she put my order down quickly.

I sat down in the table and sighed. Alex walked over doing the same.


"So." I repeated.

"Hey I've been meaning to ask you..." He trailed off scratching the back of his neck.

"Do you maybe wanna go out with me? And not out to eat. Like maybe boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Wow um, of course Alex. I- yes." I say shocked.

He smiled and I smiled back.

"Th-this is awkward." I bit my lip.

"Yea, it is. um." Alex got up.

"W-where are you going?"

"To get your burgers." He grinned.

"Wait," I sat up and stood in front of him. "let me come with you, ill probably be done eating the burgers on the way to our table." We both chuckled.

And I leaned in and kissed Alex.

"Why don't we go get the burgers, hm?"

"Yea lets go get those burgers." I grinned and couldn't help but kiss him again.

I heard a picture being taken, and look around me. Everyone was staring at us. I blushed and looked down.

"I SHIPPED IT!" Someone yells.

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