I was just taking a selfie

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"Ok ok." He raised his hands in surrender.

I just looked down fiddling with my bracelet. Then an idea popped in my head. I took out my IPhone 5c and put the camera on.

Just as he was putting the dove body lotion into the bag, I snapped a pick of him to show my sister. My phone made a loud Snap and he looked up.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Erm, no... I was just.. TAKING A SELFIE. yup, I was just taking a selfie." I said nervously.

"Okayy." He replied.

"So uh.." I paused for a moment reading his name on his name tag,"Alex! You live around here?"

He nodded his head. "I haven't seen you around." I said, " I would've remembered you." I mumbled.

"Well I'm usually inside or here at target. Other times I'm with my friend Kieran or Steve, it depends. We all have different shifts."

I nodded trying to act intrigued. "That's cool. Have any siblings?"

"A brother and a sister." He paused. " Why am I telling you this?"

"Well I just wanted to get to know you." I shrugged.

"Well why do you get to ask the questions. I want to know about you."

"Okay, go ahead." I motioned him to continue.

"What your favorite food?"

I thought for a moment. I love food, so this is hard. " Anything Chipotle." I said crossing my arms.

"What's -" Alex's voice was cut off by my phone ringing.

"Hellooooo." I picked it up.

"YEA how long are you going to take?" My sister said through the phone.

"I'm almost done calm down you impatient farp."

"Farp? What the fuck? How-Wh you are weird. Just hurry up."

"Yea okay bye." I said and rolled my eyes hanging up the phone.

"Farp?" Alex questioned.

"Yes. it's my new word."

"Impressive. Now here are your items." He said handing me the bags. "Actually let me carry them to your car." He grabbed my bags.

I unlocked my trunk and helped Alex put away the bags. Not that there were many, I just didn't want him to see me as a lazy farp. Which I totally am, were just not that close though for him to know that.

"Have a good day....." He waited to hear my name.

"Y/N. And have a good day to you too Alex." I winked.


"Ok there was this guy-'

"This guy?!"

"This guy!" I squealed. "He's different though, not like other guys. But he's totally hotter than most guys." I blushed thinking back to when we were talking.

"Hey where is that hair dye?" She asked.

"I'll get it." I said. I got the bags and looked through them. I finally found i! but in the bag was also a receipt with red ink writing.

Call me -A

I screamed jumping. I got his number! I'll never forget Alex!

He scanned my items when no one else would.

(Mostly because there was no body in the other cashier aisles)


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