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imagine you almost drown in the sea while going to the beach and Damon saves you

Damon, You, Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy and Elena had planned a day at the beach to have a break from all the shit happening in your lives. All seven of you sat around in a circle making jokes and roasting one another. You were sitting on Damon's lap as his hands encircled you in a tight embrace with his chin resting on your shoulder. The sand is softly golden with just the right comforting warmth. You all are having an extremely good time.
Suddenly Stefan says, "Who wants to go fishing at the pier with me?" as he makes to stand up.

"Oh me, me, me" shrieks Caroline, standing up and brushing the sand from her shorts

"I'm coming too!" says Elena, matching Caroline's enthusiasm and the three of them head towards the pier.

"So Bonnie and I are going to go hit the sea. Wanna come Y/N and Damon?" Jeremy gets up and holds out his hand for Bonnie to take.

"Yeah we are coming in a while." You smile at him as the both of them make their way to the shore.

The cool breeze blows through the both of your hair as you are now left alone in each others company. You get up from his lap and sit right in front of Damon, who holds your face with both of his hands.

"So, princess, what do you want to do?" You blush at his choice of nickname and smile broadly.


Suddenly, he has a playful grin on his face. He stands up and lifts you, throwing your small body over his shoulders and he heads towards the shore. You shriek and playfully punch his back as he carries you towards the water.

"I can walk too, you know." You laugh, over his shoulder.

"Yeah but what is the fun in that." He chuckles. You roll your eyes, but laughing all the same.

When Damon reaches the water, he lets you down and the first thing you do is smack his chest in a playful manner. "Idiot."

"You still love me." He replies, cheekily.

"Yeah, unfortunately." You tease him.
Damon acts as if to wipe a tear and you laugh at how cute he is.

The cool water laps at your feet, fizzing and bubbling like brine. Waves ahead roar and roll down, crashing onto the shore with a soft hiss; peeling away at the deep bronze sand beneath your feet. Damon takes your hand and leads you into water. Jeremy and Bonnie can be spotted at a distance.

You splash water onto Damon but soon realise that you made a mistake as he throws water back with twice the force, causing you stumble backwards. You pout up at him and he gives you a quick peck on the lips before sitting down in the knee deep water. You automatically follow suit and sit close to him, resting your head on his shoulder. He strokes your damp hair and you nuzzle closer to him, for a good five minutes.
Then suddenly,

"Let's go deeper into the ocean." You say to him. He flashes a grin at you before getting up and carries you bridal style.

"You have to stop doing that." You laugh. He carries you to the deeper side and throws you in the water without warning as he laughs loudly, his eyes creasing.

"Not funny, Damon." As you furrow your brows in a cute way, the salt water getting in your mouth. He puts his hands on your wrist, brings you close to his body and delivers a kiss to your forehead. Then he suddenly leans forward and engulfs you in a bear hug. Taken aback by the abruptness of the hug, you lean in and hug him with the same fierceness.

Both of you standing there just wrapped in each others arms. Both of you at home. There is nothing in the world you would trade for such moments and with this thought, you lean harder against his bare chest as his hands lightly massage your head.

You suddenly lean back and move away from him. He looks at you, confusion etched clearly on his face.


"You can't catch me," You playfully laugh, indicating the beginning of a game. You turn around and go deeper into the water, intending to win.

"Oh, you bet I can," He dives under the water and is not visible anymore.

Without looking back, you cross the ocean. When you take in your surroundings, you realise that you are the only person this far. As you make to head back, in the chin deep water, your foot hits a rock and it causes you to fall backwards. At the exact same moment, a large wave seems to be rushing towards you. Not a very good swimmer, but still not afraid of a little water overhead, you stay calm. As the wave passes, you try to go up again but can't..

Your head starts to pound, every cell in your body is screaming for oxygen. You keep fighting until you feel like your head is about to explode, you have to take a breath.

Suddenly, two strong arms lifts you from under the water. You gasp for breath and look up to see it's Damon. Your hero. You breathe out a sigh of relief.

"Oh my God, Y/N, are you okay?'
You nod as an answer and put your legs around his waist and your arms immediately encircle his neck. You hug him tightly, as he makes circles on your back.

"I...-I am so glad to see you." You muster.

"Why did you come this far? Are you crazy? Something could've happened to yo-." He begins incredulously but then changes his tone to a softer one. "Come on, let's go back to the shore."

You stay clinging to him and tighten your legs around his waist. He carries you all the way until you feel the hot sand underneath as Damon lets you on it. He drapes a towel around you. You sit up and look around only to discover that no one else is back yet. Just you and Damon.
He is looking at you with a mixture of concern and sadness and maybe a tiny bit of anger at your foolishness.

"Shit, my head is hurting like crazy." You exclaim slowly, rubbing your temples, oblivious to the various emotions bubbling in your boyfriend's head.

"I'll text the others and let them know that we are going home, alright?" He says, holding your hand. "You have had a long day, babe."

"Okay Damon." You manage a smile. If it were ordinary circumstances you would have flung your arms around him and kissed him with all your passion just because you can, but right now, your head wouldn't stop pounding and it hurt to move.

Damon stands up and gathers up both of your stuff and holds out his hand for you to grab. You reach for his hand and lift yourself up from the warmth of the sand. Arm in arm, both of you begin to head towards Damon's car. He puts away the baskets and extra clothes in the trunk and you head onto the passenger seat.

As he gets in the car, you grab his chin and tilt it so he faces you.

"I had a wonderful day, Damon." You say, meaning it. "Except for the fact that I almost drowned but let's just ignore that." You add with a small chuckle.

He smiles at you and softly kisses your cheek. Then he pulls back and looks in your eyes, "I had a wonderful day too."

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