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imagine Damon spends the night at your place

"Y/N, I am coming to find you." grinned Damon, taking a sip out of the bottle of bourbon in his hand. "How the hell can someone be this ticklish?"

You and Damon spent a fantastic evening together. After going to a fancy restaurant for dinner, you both went to the park for a light stroll, both enjoying the close silence in the dim, evening light. As the sun sank lower in the sky, you invited Damon to stay over at your apartment and he obviously could not disagree with that. You walked back to your apartment, eating ice cream on the way as the light of the day, drained away. In the present, you and Damon are currently engaged in a tickle fight.

"There you are!" Damon exclaimed. You let out a shriek. Damon reached over and picked your light body from behind the couch.

"Please.. don't ...tickle..me," you gasped in between fits of laughter.

As you were led to the bedroom, Damon dropped you playfully on the bed and climbed on top of you. You grinned cheekily from underneath him.

"Y/N, babe, I could look at you all day and night." He whispered earnestly in your ear, his hot breath sending goosebumps through your body.

You both had been together for 3 months now but everything felt as new as the first date. The butterflies never truly went away. The nervousness was still present. Being with him never got old. Everytime you looked at him, it sent the adrenaline coursing through your body.

"But you wouldn't...." You grinned harder. "Because that's just plain creepy."

He smirked, his typical Damon smirk and in return you leaned forwards to kiss his nose. His eyes twinkled. Literally.

You were so in love with him and it was beyond anything you had ever felt in your life. You both had a connection and everyone around you had also commented on that.

Damon rolled over and your face scrunched up. He laughed. "I am still here baby," He reached for your laptop from your bedside table. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Depends if i get to choose." You turned to face him and propped up your chin from your arms looking at him through puppy dog eyes. Damon, out of instinct, immediately reached over and kissed the top of your head. This elicited an immediate smile forming on your face.

"As long as we are not watching Friends, I am fine with whatever." he shrugged as he adjusted his pillows and leaned against the bed opening netflix on the laptop.

"What did you just say?" you said, amused, putting your hands over your heart and mocking horror.

"Baby, it is what it is." He laughed.

Then, he opened his hand as an invitation for you to cuddle with him to watch the movie. You quickly slid under the blankets and leaned against him as he put his arm around you. You put your head on his chest, indulging in the warmth of his body.

"Let's watch The Notebook again," You mumbled against his chest and he rubbed your shoulders.

"Alright, babe."

The movie began and both of you watched the movie as if you have never seen it. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Damon stealing glances at you.

"Oh so you were for real when you said you could look at me all day and night?" You teased him, lightly nudging your elbow in the side of his stomach.

He lightly chuckled. "I was." He replied with such earnesty that you turned your head from the screen to look up at him. He was already looking at you.

"I love you." You whispered.

"I love you, Y/N."

Your eyes went back to the screen and both of you did not speak a word for the rest of the movie, enjoying the comfortable silence of one another. Before the end of the movie, your eyes felt heavier and heavier, finally sending you in the oblivion of sleep.

When the movie ended, Damon looked down to see you curled up against him and sleeping peacefully with your hand over his body. He quickly put away the laptop and turned off the dim light of the lamp. After making himself comfortable, he nuzzled his face in your hair and it wasn't long before sleep overcame him too.

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