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imagine that you are about to break up with Damon

You roll over in bed, restless and uneasy. You toss and turn but just can not find the right position today. A lingering haze of sleep sits somewhere at the back of your mind but is too far away to reach. Raising your head to slightly look at the empty space beside you, you let out a huge sigh. When is he going to be home?

Icy discomfort blossoms in your chest and makes it difficult for you to breathe. You had texted Damon earlier today letting him know that there was something serious you wanted to talk to him about. He had replied that he'd be home at seven. It was nine now. After waiting for him in the living room, mindlessly scrolling through movies to watch, you had reluctantly dragged your feet upstairs to your bedroom, intending to sleep. But, it was clear that you were not going to sleep as discomfort jabbed at your chest.

You were well aware of the fact that Damon had plenty of vampire shit to solve. Now, with a vampire hunter in town along with Klaus, things intensified. He had started coming home late, leaving you to dwell in his absence. Elena and Caroline had muttered reassurances to you when you shared this with them, telling you that this will be over soon. But knowing Elena all too well, considering you grew up with her, you saw it on her face that she did not face the same problem with Stefan. At the end of the day, he was there for her and he tried his hardest to spend all his spare time with her despite the impending doom in Mystic Falls. Damon, on the other hand, barely made it home.

Most of the time, you found him slumped against the sofa, snoring softly when you headed downstairs on your way to your university. A bottle of bourbon lying on the table. Sometimes he would manage a kiss in greeting, other times just a simple wave. Most of the times, nothing.

As these thoughts swirl in your head, you close your eyes again, another attempt to sleep. Lying in the comfortable duvets and gazing up at the glowing ceiling, you could not understand why you were sleepless. I mean you were in your comfort zone after all.

Your eyes snap open when you hear the door downstairs close gently. The staircase creaks slightly as he makes his way upstairs, footsteps slow and uncertain. He knows that he is late.

The bedroom door slowly opens and there he stands. "You awake?" He whispers, not moving from where he is standing.

You nod in response, your back towards him as the hold around the pillow in your hands tightens

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You nod in response, your back towards him as the hold around the pillow in your hands tightens.

You hear him sigh. He quickly undresses, left in a plain black shirt and boxers and slides into bed with you. You don't turn to face him. You don't turn to ask how his day went. You don't turn.

Damon leans against the headboard, "Y/N?"


"How was your day?" He asks with uncertainty. You roll your eyes against the pillow, still not facing him. "I have good news."

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