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imagine that Damon saves you from Tyler when he makes you feel extremely uncomfortable

You are at Mystic Grill. You are sitting bleary-eyed at the table, drinking your way slowly through a bottle of bourbon. Damon's favourite. Thinking of it just makes you ache to be near him. You two have been spending a lot of time apart, with your studies and all. Now that you think of it, you didn't see Damon at all this week. You lean forward on the bar stool, sitting alone, when suddenly someone takes a seat next to you.

"Hey, Y/N, didn't know I'd find you here."

You turn to look and find out it's Tyler.

"Oh hey, Ty.' You reply, turning your face back to the bottle in your hand.

Not in the mood to keep up a conversation. You and Tyler go way back, a history together. He was a jock. Before you and Damon started dating, you were very close with Tyler. He tended to get into a lot of fights and you would always be there for him, intending to change him into a better person. Tyler was arrogant and stubborn but you stuck with him. When you and Damon became a thing, Tyler and you eventually drifted apart. His pride didn't help much either..

"I have been here for a while. I spotted you and wanted to say hello. Are you here with someone?" Tyler questions, mindlessly. He orders a drink from the bartender.

"Oh no, just little old me." You add with a chuckle. "I have had a long day so I think I am just gonna go."
Even though it's rude to just leave like that, you are very tired so you stand up and head for the door. "Bye Ty." You casually throw over your shoulder. When you look at him, he's deep in thought.

Once you are outside in the night sky, you let out a sigh. Everything just kind of reminds you of Damon. Before you get in your car,

"Y/N, I need to tell you something." You turn around to find that it's Tyler again. Curious to know what he wants to say, you head away from your car and towards him. "I am listening..." You say.

"I think this is the drunk me talking but here goes nothing.. Ok so look, we were so close, what happened?"

"Excuse me?" You reply, taken aback at the randomness and abruptness of the question that seemingly popped out of nowhere.

"I mean we were bestfriends-"

"Tyler that was 3 months ago...." You quickly interrupt.

"Let me finish.. Look Y/N, I know you're with Damon but I have always had this crush on you and it's now or never but you need to know this and I'll always regret if you never truly knew how i feel about you. You were the best thing to ever happen to me and I let you go"

You stare at him, open mouthed, unaware of how to respond to this.
Tyler takes your hand in his. "Are you happy with Damon Salvatore?" He questions, raising an eyebrow.

Now this seems to snap you out of your trance quickly. "Are you for real? Ofcourse I am happy with Damon." You reply, being all defensive.

You try to snatch your hand from Tyler but see him grabbing it tightly. It starts to hurt. "Look Tyler," You begin. "I get what you feel, I truly do, but I am with Damon. It's always going to be Damon."

At this point, your hand under his tight grip begins to ache.

"Y/N, I want you, and you know I always get what I want." Tyler smirks.

You suddenly take in your surroundings. It's almost 10pm and you are here with someone who is acting shady as hell and has no intentions of leaving you alone. There is no one else around you. You try to pull your hand out of his grip one more time not surprised to find him holding it fiercer.

"Ouch, Tyler. You are hurting me." You whisper.
Oh is that what I am doing, Y/N? YOU hurt me when you started dating Damon and pretended I didn't exist." He spits, furious.

"Tyler, we can solve this some other way. Please you don't have to do this." You reply, scared now. Tyler looked absolutely murderous and you were sure this was not going to end well for you.

"Oh I know what i have to do. I am-" He begins when suddenly, Tyler's smile immediately falters and his eye widens, jaw clenches.

You turn around to find Damon, in all his glory, hands in his pockets, clad in a leather jacket, a blank, unreadable expression on his face. How he always managed to be at the right place, at the right time, you never understood.

"Let go of her hand." Damon asked cooly, almost daring Tyler. Despite the poker face, Damon has a glint of anger in his eyes, barely noticeable, but there.

"Or what?" Tyler sneers, twisting your hand a tiny bit.

This must be drunk Tyler, you think. You know Tyler would never ever hurt you, no matter what the circumstances but him twisting your hand elicits an "Ow!" from you.

Within a split second, Damon is right beside you and next is a blur. There is a lot of throwing hands, blood and chaos. Tyler's hands immediately loosen around your wrist and you snatch it back rubbing the bruised area. Upon a closer look, you find Tyler on the side path with Damon repeatedly punching his face. Tyler's eyes are squeezed shut and when he offers no resistance to Damon's hands, you think it's time to intervene.

"Stop Damon!" You say, as you step forwards to pull him back. Damon doesn't stop. "Let's go home, please, Damon." Your voice cracks, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.

At this, Damon finds his cue to stop and immediately stands up and turns around to face you. Blood is oozing from his nose and his lower lip has swollen. Tyler, on the hand, has bruised cheeks, probably a broken nose and swollen lips.

Damon steps towards you and traces his fingers gently over the bright red patch on your wrist causing you to wince slightly. He gives you a tight-lipped smile, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," You breathe in.

There is a slight movement behind Damon and both of you turn around to see Tyler heading towards his car muttering strange words under his breath. How he managed to stay conscious surprises you. Tyler gets in his car and drives away.

Damon leans forwards and takes your hands in his as you stare at him through sparkling eyes. "Are YOU okay?" You inquire, raising your eyebrows.

"Yeah." He replies, rubbing circles over the back of our hands.
None of you know how to register what just happened so you just stand there indulging in the comfortable silence of one another.

"If he ever bothers you again, let me know..." Damon begins, tugging at his hair. Uncertain at what to say.

"I will." You quickly fill the distance between the both of you and embrace him softly, not missing the way his eyes lit up and the enigmatic quirk of his lips. "Thank you." You mumble in his chest as he holds you closer.

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