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imagine that you are stressed about your studies and Damon helps you loosen up

You massaged your throbbing temples as you glanced at another flash card. The words seemed to blur together. Your physics teacher, claiming that you needed to catch up, was giving you, no one else, a large exam. You had been busy with 'Vampire Problems' with Damon, Stefan and the others and thus, couldn't concentrate in classes.

You blinked rapidly and pressed your forehead onto the card, as if that could imprint it in your memory. Glancing down at your watch, you let out a huge groan. You leaned back in your chair and glanced at the ceiling before forcing your gaze back down to the table. Stifling a yawn, you rubbed your bleary eyes as your thoughts started to become groggy and incoherent.

I can't do this.

"Babe." A loud voice echoed through your apartment. Damon's voice.

"Here." You mumbled, getting up from your chair.

You immediately lightened up at the sight of him. Dressed in a casual plain black shirt and jeans, Damon never failed to look handsome.

Making your way over to him, you engulfed him in tight embrace, your head making it's way on his chest as he rested his chin on the top of your head, his strong hands wrapped firmly around you

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Making your way over to him, you engulfed him in tight embrace, your head making it's way on his chest as he rested his chin on the top of your head, his strong hands wrapped firmly around you.

Still holding him, "I missed you." You uttered, your voice muffled against his chest.

"I can see, baby girl." He chuckled, as he planted a gentle kiss on the top of your head.

You snuggled in, "You're the only person I know that gives indefinite hugs."

"Well, baby, where else would I rather be?"

Leaning back to smile up at him, you pulled back, "There's this huge exam that I need to study for." You groaned in exhaustion, making your way to your room.

"Or we can compel the examiner." He smirked, right behind.

"I won't get anywhere in life then." Narrowing your eyes at him as you sat on your study table, facing Damon.

Another yawn escaped your lips as you reached to rub your eyes.

"Did you sleep last night?"

"No." You muttered.

"Look at you, Y/N. You need sleep." He began seriously.

"I'll manage." You shrugged, tearing your eyes away from his concerned ones to focus on another flashcard.

Leaning against your bed frame, Damon observed you for awhile, the way you stared at the card with heavy lids and shoulders slouched, looking ready to fall asleep. In a way he blamed himself. He shouldn't have involved you in all the vampire drama causing your attention to divert from studies.

When he noticed a slight lolling of your head, he decided that you had studied enough

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When he noticed a slight lolling of your head, he decided that you had studied enough.

Making your way over to you, "Babe, come on, you gotta sleep."

"No," You mumbled, so sleepy to even form a clear, coherent sentence. "I'll manage, Damon."

Not taking a no for an answer, he gently grabbed your hand and lifted you up from the chair. When you offered no strong resistance, he wrapped a secure arm around your waist and led you to the bed.

When you were comfortably under covers, Damon lay down in bed besides you, propping himself up on his elbow to look at you.

"Damon, I'll fail." You muttered, turning on your side to face him.

He brought a hand up to stroke your cheek. "It doesn't matter, get some rest."

"It matters," You replied,  "To me." Your words taking a huge amount of time to roll of your tongue.

"Close your eyes." He whispered soothingly in your ear, lightly massaging your head and rubbing soothing circles on your aching temples.

You let out a sigh of relief and immediately obeyed his command snuggling against his side.

You knew that sooner or later you would need to wake up. To stare reality in the face. But for now you laid down your heavy head, and retreated into wallowing blackness that was slowly enveloping you. Neatly tucked into Damon's side as he wrapped his arms around you, you lay on his chest, and there was no where else you'd rather be.

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