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imagine you inform Damon of your decision to become a vampire

You were sitting on a bench in town square. It was a wooden bench with a brass dedication plate in the middle of it but your head was spiralling with too many thoughts to take notice of that.

The expanse of green grass and the gravelled paths lined with the deciduous trees helped clear your mind which was currently battling with a serious decision. Being here made you feel at ease which was your top most priority right now.

You had asked Damon to meet you here at town square. Upon his confusion on why this place specifically, you had waved it away and further stressed on how important this was.

"Jeez, okay! Will meet you there, babe." He had replied, laughing on the other end of the phone call.

Arriving earlier than him gave you time to contemplate your resolution one more time. You sit here, tugging the bracelet Damon had given you for your birthday, looking out at the round flower beds.

So lost in your thoughts, you don't realise Damon creeping up behind you. He leans over from behind and gives you a quick peck on your forehead. Upon the sudden touch, you immediately jump up from your bench, only laughing when you find out it's Damon.

"Gosh!" You grin, giving him a light shove in the chest when he comes over to sit besides you on the bench. "You scared the shit out of me."

He smirks. "Exactly my intention."

You reply with a slight smile before turning your attention towards two children quarrelling over who gets the ball.

Silence fills the air for awhile. But it's not one that makes you uncomfortable. It's intimacy. Being able to enjoy someone's company without having to say anything.

You slightly turn your head to look at Damon. His eyes are furrowed and he seems to be concentrating on something far away. You know that he knows. He's probably caught on to the fact that something is bothering you.

It's not exactly a physical thing that's troubling you. It's more of a notion. A thought that you had once late in the night and now you can't seem to escape it. What was once a horrendous idea has now transformed into a more pleasant one. Something that settles with you. And now you want it.

So you decide to say it.

"Damon." A small voice squeaks from you, surprising you for a second at how tiny it is.

Damon snaps his head to look at you, awaiting what happens next. He does not reply. He merely sucks in a sharp breath and gazes into your eyes, as if that action alone can get him answers.

"I want you to," A deep breath. "I want you to turn me into a vampire."

Expecting him to leap from the bench in shock or happiness or God know's what, he does the exact opposite of what you thought. He remains in his seat, calm and collected. Damon opens his mouth to say something but closes it again. It's as if he's having a mini battle with himself. He opens his mouth again.


Now this was a question you were prepared for. Something you had rehearsed very well before arriving here. "Damon, I.." You begin, shrugging a little. "When you have to go to the ends of the Earth to protect your human girlfriend, it feels like a burden. I don't want to feel like a load." Damon opens his mouth to protest against this but you silence him with a pointed look. "And sometimes when you are in trouble, which is mostly always, I feel helpless. I want to lend a hand to you Damon but there's not really much I can ever do."

Damon is quiet for a moment. He knows from where this is coming from. Last week, Frederick and the other tomb members had returned thanks to the Original Witch, Vicky Donovan and Bonnie Bennet. Giving continuation to his revenge plan, Frederick had tried to attack the founding family members. When Damon had intervened, Frederick, along with the other tomb members had taken Damon and you to the middle of the forest. Tying you to a tree, he had tortured and staked Damon in various parts of his body thankfully leaving the heart and only disappearing when he was cast back to The Other Side. Of course, you were entirely and utterly helpless as your boyfriend was grunting in pain in front of you and you couldn't do anything to aid him.

And thus, by being a vampire, it was satisfying to know that you can at least try to protect him. You were well aware of the fact that a newbie vampire would not be able to offer much protection to a vampire who was almost two centuries old. But it was definitely something, right?

"Oh and I wanted to be with the love of my life forever." You add, fidgeting with your fingers yet smiling all the same.

It was true. Ever since you found out that you'd keep growing old and Damon will remain the same, a sense of terror rose in your heart, growing each day. Becoming a vampire was a possibility but not one that you wanted at that time. Now since the situation was as demanding as ever, the moment had come. You wanted to be a vampire. You wanted to be a vampire so you could spend forever with Damon.

A huge smile immediately sets on Damon's face causing you to smile harder. His eyes literally start twinkling as he catches your gaze.

However, a dark looks spreads across his face and you acknowledge the fact that he has thought about the drawbacks of being a vampire. The hunger. The feed. The kill. Knowing Damon, he would never want you to go through that.

A pained expression sweeps across his face. "I wanted to protect you," he breathes out. "From all this. I wanted to keep you away from all this drama."

You scoot closer to him on the bench and rest your head on his chest. He immediately wraps an arm around you.

"I know, but you can't really escape it, eh?" You smile, looking up at him.

"Maybe you can't." He rubs circles on your arms as you loosen up against his touch. "When? When do you want to turn?"

"Whenever you'll turn me..."


"Tomorrow's fine."

You look up again and Damon's smiling. No wait, he is grinning. You know he's happy. He wanted you for himself for eternity and now he is finally getting you. He was going to touch upon the subject of you becoming a vampire but this was heaven because you had made the decision yourself and he couldn't be happier.

"I .. finally .. get .. the .. love .. of .. my .. life .. forever." Damon mumbles, in between kisses delivered on the top of your head.

You laugh out a a hearty laugh as a weight lifts from your chest. You're here with Damon and there's nowhere else you'd ever be.

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