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imagine you storm out after a fight

"You're not protecting me, Damon. You're holding me prisoner in this house."

Pacing back and forth in Damon's bedroom with your arms crossed over your chest, you glance over at the man himself. Damon watches you with an amused expression which only infuriates you more.

"You don't get it, do you?" You sigh, stopping your strides altogether and turning around to face him. "This is not what I want, Damon"

It all started two weeks earlier. Katherine Pierce happened. She has an easy going style, but it is this conniving persona that makes her dangerous. Quick Witted, straightforward, sly and cunning Katherine.  She doesn't care who gets hurt because her passion is power and plain torture. Hungry for the moonstone because the moonstone seals the werewolf curse and for some reason, she needs a werewolf and wants the curse on them to be lifted. But, the moonstone was in Damon's possession and somehow, Katherine caught wind of it. It was tremendously explicit that you were Damon's weak spot. By threatening to harm you, she had got to Damon.

However, Damon was as stubborn as ever. Instead of simply giving Katherine the precious stone or finding some other way to halt her actions, he had proceeded to lock you up in the Salvatore Boarding House, intending to keep an eye on you at all times.

"What is it that you want, Y/N?" Damon smirks, raising an eyebrow as he leans back against the headboard of his bed, one leg over the other.

"You're obviously finding this situation funny. I can assure you, it is not." You glower, making your way over to him and sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Oh no, this is not funny to me, my love. Tell me, what do you want?" Damon chuckles, nudging your thigh lightly with his toe.

You swat his foot away. "I want freedom. I want to get out of this hellhole whenever I want." You frown, resting your cheek against your palm, propped up on your knees. "And without you treating me like a four year old." You add, giving him a pointed look.

"We're dealing with Katherine and when-"

You sigh in frustration, "No, I don't care about goddamn Katherine. Fuck, I don't want to be scared of her, Damon. I want to kill her."

"Well, you should be. She is a five century old vampire while you're just a human." He shrugs, leaning forwards towards you.

Truth be told, you despised Katherine. But what you hated more than that was the sheer pleasure she would be gaining knowing you were hiding away at Damon's place, afraid of confrontation.

"I'll manage." You groan, raising your head from the palm of your hand to look at Damon who merely raises an eyebrow at you.

"I am pretty sure you can't." He grins, propping his feet up on your lap. "That's why you have me to protect you."

You knew that in some twisted way of his, this was Damon's way of showing how much he actually loved you but of course, this was not it for you. You did not have anything against Katherine directly but you were well aware of how she had betrayed Damon and left him stranded when he found out that his century old quest of finding the woman he loved was for nothing. And on multiple occasions, Katherine and you had the pleasure of face to face encounters where she had passed some snarky remarks about the elder Salvatore dating a frail human. Of course, you were unable to retaliate because after all you were just a human who was no match for Katherine Pierce.

But recently, there was a fire in you. A fire that got you determined and made you believe that using clever tactics you could in fact take her down.   

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