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imagine that Damon teaches you self defence because it's not safe anymore on the streets

"Before an attacker has gained full control of you, you must do everything you can—conserving as much energy as possible—to inflict injury so you can get away." Damon says gravely. "It's hurt or be hurt."

You nod your head slowly, trying to grasp what he was explaining to you. "But why are we doing this again?"

He lets out a huge sigh and walks over to you, placing both hands on your waist and planting a gentle kiss on your forehead, "Two words: Vampire. Drama." He murmurs.

Jutting out your lower lip, you stare at him through puppy dog eyes, "But I have you." This makes him smile for a moment.

Then, his face turns solemn. "I can't always protect you, Y/N." He says sternly, pulling away from you and moving back to the centre of his bedroom. "Besides, you need to learn how to defend yourself."

You huff, "Fine."

"Attacks are sudden, and when they happen, it's all too easy for panic to take over." He starts, turning around to look at you. "But you won't panic."

"I'm pretty sure that is so not going to be under my control at that time." You rolls your eyes as he lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Look, there are some sensitive points in everyone's body. First and foremost, try to hurt their nose. Using the palm of your hand, strike the person in an upward forward motion against their nose." He demonstrates this with an upward flick of his hand.

"How is simply hurting a vampire's nose going to make a difference?" You ask amused, going over to sit on the edge of his bed.

"It's not going to make much of a difference, but it's going to give you time. Besides, the attacker might be human. We never know."

You nod at him, an indication for him to go on.

"If you think fast, you can momentarily disable your attacker with a wrist lock too." He comes over to you and grabs your hand, leading you in the middle with him. "To do this, flip your assailant's palm up, then twist and force it towards the ground." He exemplifies this by twisting your hand gently, making sure it doesn't hurt, and putting it on the ground as an attempt to show you how the process goes. "This'll throw them off, but probably won't stop the attack completely, so pair this tactic with a kick of your own, before escaping." He releases his grip on you and extends his hand to help you get up, which you gratefully accept. "Got it?"

"Yeah." You breathe. "Or maybe I run away for a little while and call you?" You ask, hopefully.

He lightly chuckles, "Yes, you do that too but you learning this is going to bring me peace knowing that my girl is acquainted with methods to defend herself."

"Okay but listen to-"

You're cut off when Stefan enters the room.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asks, leaning against the doorframe.

"Oh no," You quickly respond. "We are just having an absolutely amazing time learning self defence moves." Sarcasm dripping from your words as Stefan laughs out loud.

You look over at Damon to find him rolling his eyes as you grin cheekily at him.

"Just teaching you how to stay safe on the streets," He shrugs, coming from behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist as his chin finds it's way on the top of your head.

You turn your head upwards to beam at him and he leans over to kiss your nose.

Stefan, still at the door, smirks at the both of you. "If you two lovebirds are done, let me explain why I came here." Stefan begins.

"Get on with it already." Damon speaks abruptly, boredom flowing through his words as you roll your eyes at his antics.

"Elena called," Stefan continues, nodding at you. "She wants me to let you know that you have to call her as soon as you can. Something related to Caroline being angry and shopping." He chuckles before making his way out.

You roll your eyes and laugh, knowing this was most likely the only problem you were ever going to get in. No self defence classes would ever be able to help you and Elena escape Caroline's wrath.

You turn around in Damon's arms and pout at him, "Kind gentleman, can I please get my phone back?" You pat his chest, looking up at him hopefully.

Before beginning the self defence sessions, Damon had turned your phone off and pocketed it claiming 'You'll get distracted.'

"Just one more move and you're free for the day." He smirks down at you.

"You really love to torture me." You sigh, getting out of his grasp but grinning all the same.

"Okay next move, If an attacker grabs you from behind, jerk your head back as hard as you can so that you hit them in the face or neck. This should loosen their grip on you." He begins, moving his head sharply backwards to demonstrate. "If they don't quite let go, bend down and reach between your legs to grab the back of their calf or knee, and pull it towards you with as much force as possible." He bends down and displays each action to you.  "They should lose their balance or even fall over backwards entirely, giving you more time to get out."

"This is so complicated, I'd rather just let the attacker kill me or something." You joke.

His expression darkens, "You are never ever going to give in, alright? Just fight the person for as long as you can and the rest I'll handle

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His expression darkens, "You are never ever going to give in, alright? Just fight the person for as long as you can and the rest I'll handle."

"Yeah, I'm kidding." You quickly cover up, observing the way his tone suddenly changed.

"Good." He merely states, folding his arms around his chest. "Because if something were to happen to you-"

"No, i'll defend myself. Besides, you've taught me some pretty interesting moves too."

"I can guarantee that you don't even remember half of them." He rolls his eyes and lets out a hearty chuckle.

Your mouth curls up in a smile, "Guilty." You smile, raising your hands in defeat.

He walks over to you and reaches in his pockets to bring out your phone but not giving it to you yet. "After you're done with Caroline, call me when you get home. You understand? If you don't I am automatically going to assume something happened." He says firmly, placing the phone in your already outstretched hand.

"Jeez, okay." You say, laughing. "I love you." You say before making your way outside the room without looking backwards.

"I love you more. Stay safe." He calls out from behind.

Smiling to yourself and passing a grin to Stefan on the way, you make your way to Elena's house, ready for whatever the hell the two of you were going to go through with Caroline.

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