i23 (ii)

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imagine that your abusive ex appears in town (ii)
[Some things may get a bit unrealistic here]

Reluctantly, you dragged your feet and followed him. You couldn't let Damon do this alone. He was acting extremely irrational right now. In a sense, he was right. Finding out that an asshole beat your girlfriend and knowing that he was in town and still not doing anything about it would drive a man crazy. So Damon went after him. But nobody expected the change of events.

As you both drove towards the Grill for the second time that day, you filled Damon with the tidbits of your relationship with Mark. He listened carefully, as if each and every piece of information you told him was music to his ears. He replied at all the right places, comforted you at all the right moments, got angry at all the right parts.

Entering the Grill, a wave of loud music hit you. The first thing you did was instantly look at the bar stool — it was empty. Breathing out a sigh of relief, you turned towards Damon.

"He's not here. Let's just go back."

Damon muttered a few curse words under his breath but he obeyed your command with a stern nod. He did a quick survey of the Grill as you rolled your eyes. Damon did not even know what Mark looked like.

"Come on!" You insisted, grabbing him by his elbow and pushing him towards the door, happy that the confrontation wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Damon wrapped an arm protectively around your shoulder as the both of you walked out. Closing the door behind you, something caught your eye — a black hoodie. Peering closer at who wore it, you noticed Mark. He was coming out of the restroom and making his way to the bar.

Your eyes immediately widened but you stood your ground, making sure Damon didn't get the hint. He would surely have killed him on spot.

Now you had to act quick. You had two options: tell Damon or handle this yourself. You weighed out the pros and cons. If you told Damon, hell would break lose. If you confronted Mark yourself and made sure he didn't bother you, that would be less terrible. After all, you were surrounded by at least thirty people. He wouldn't do anything, right?

You'd politely warn Mark that he couldn't harm you anymore, if that's what his intentions was when he showed up at the Grill.

It was easy.

But now you had to get out of going back to the car with Damon.

"Damon." You suddenly called out. "I have to, uh, go to the restroom."

The abruptness of the whole situation caused Damon to eye you with confusion.

"Yeah... okay." He replied, brushing a hand through his hair. "I'll be right out."

You smiled at him. "Got it."

And then you made your way back in again. All you had to do was look for Mark.

Surveying the room in a quick manner, it did not take too long to find Mark. He was leaning against a bar stool talking to a girl. His face was set in a mischievous smirk and it didn't take a genius to comprehend that he was hitting on her.

But you didn't care.

Shoving past multiple bodies on a way and bumping in a few, you finally reached Mark.

"Um, hey?" You tapped his shoulder.

His head jolted to where the sound came from. As his eyes set on you, he grinned.

"You couldn't resist my charm, eh?"

"I need to talk to you." You shot back, sternly, making sure he knew that you were in no mood for his jokes.

Damon Salvatore ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now