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imagine Damon comes over at your place and the two of you watch a scary movie

Holding two buckets of popcorn in one hand and drinks in another, you carefully make your way over to the living room

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Holding two buckets of popcorn in one hand and drinks in another, you carefully make your way over to the living room. Damon had called you earlier and had insisted on a movie night. Never imagining Damon as one to have movie nights, you were quite shocked but excited all the same. So here you were, setting up snacks in the living room and bringing blankets so Damon and you will be as cosy as possible.

Going into the kitchen one last time to check up on everything, your gaze falls on a picture that has been taped to your fridge. It's a picture of you and Damon on your third date where you both had decided to make cupcakes at your place but of course it was more like making a cupcake of each other. Covered with flour and frosting, the both of you had the brightest smiles on your faces and Damon had insisted on capturing the moment.

So absorbed in recalling the memory, you don't realise Damon entering the kitchen. He encircles his arms around you from behind.

"Guess who?" Damon whispers in your ears, kissing the side of your head.

Smiling to yourself, "Chris Evans, is that you?" You giggle lightly.

"Hah! You wish." He turns you around in his arms and gives you a smile. "Hi princess."

"Hello handsome." You beam at him. 

You put your arms around his waist, nuzzling your face in his chest as he wraps his arms around you.

"Come on, what movie are we watching?" Damon mumbles, kissing you on the forehead.

Pulling back from his embrace, "I wanted to watch The Conjuring."

"Feeling a bit brave today, are we?" He asks, arching his brows and staring at you in disbelief.

"What are you talking about? I love scary movies." You grin up at him, sarcasm flowing through your words.

He lets out a hearty chuckle, "The Conjuring it is."

Damon, then, scoops you up in his arms and leads you outside the kitchen as you let out girlish giggles on the way. Throwing you on the couch, he starts to tickle your sides.

"Stop.. Damon... Please..." You gasp in between fits of laughter, trying to squirm out from underneath him.

This only makes him tickle you harder. Your breath comes in quick gasps between your unstoppable giggles. Tears gather in the corners of your eyes, threatening to spill over.

He suddenly halts his actions and leans closer to you, to capture your lips in a warm kiss. You close your eyes and enjoy the warmth of being this close to Damon, your chest slightly heaving from the amount of tickles you've endured. Pulling away, he gently plants a kiss on your forehead before grabbing your waist and lifting you up to settle you on his lap.

"You're adorable." He whispers in your ear, tucking a lock of your shoulder-length hair behind your ear, only for it to flop again.

Your stomach begins to flutter. Now one may think that being with a man for five months may get you used to all the compliments but admiration from Damon Salvatore always brought about a rapid increase in your heartbeat and made you go weak in the knees.

You give him your brightest smile as he stares at you lovingly. You loved this side of Damon. To everyone he was the hardcore older Salvatore brother. The merciless and cruel brother. But with you, with you he was entirely different. He was tender. He was passionate. And he was the opposite of everything people made him out to be. You were so in love with him.

You curl up against his chest as he leans over to grab the remote. Searching up the selected movie, he looks at you with a grin before finally playing it. You lean over to grab a bucket of popcorn from the table in front of you and shift yourself into a more comfortable position in Damon's lap.

The movie isn't very scary in the beginning. Every minute or so, Damon makes a funny remark about one of the characters causing you to erupt into giggles.

But deeper into the movie, the both of you sit, engrossed, barely noticing the popcorn that fails to make it to your slack mouths. When the screen falls to black, your body becomes rigid and your hand flails for Damon. Silences never last long in a movie, merely tools to heighten the drama, ploys of stylistic effect – depriving the senses of light and sound for just long enough to peak their fear. The next moment is maximum intensity: loud, bright, fast, shocking. You lean against Damon, eyes open wide. Damon's hand has moved like clock work the whole time with most of his salty treat making it to his already growling stomach. He grins. This wasn't one of those artsy, enigmatic films you always made him watch. This was action, thriller, horror and he couldn't be happier.

The movie isn't even halfway done yet when, "Damon I'm scared." You say in a hushed tone, turning slightly to look at him.

He smirks at you, "Don't tell me you're scared of a fictional entity when your boyfriend is quite literally a vampire and a reformed serial killer."

You playfully shove him the chest. "No but this is different." You whine.

He reaches out to grab your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Should I stop the movie?"

"No, if you want to watch then you-"

"Baby, it's okay. No fun in watching it anymore when I won't have you all snuggled up next to me." He smiles, leaning over to get the remote to pause the movie.

Stifling a yawn, you turn to look at him with bleary eyes. "I'm sleepy." You mumble, resting your head against his chest. "Are you staying the night?" Without waiting for an answer, "Of course you are." You grin cheekily before closing your eyes and leaning against him.

He stares at you with eyes full of adoration. "I'm staying." He whispers, reaching out a finger to gently caress your cheek as you smile, the oblivion of sleepy slowly dragging you within it's depth.

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