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imagine that your friends and you have lunch over at the Salvatore Boarding House

"Damon!" You call out in the Salvatore Boardinghouse, only to be responded with silence.

Like the sophisticated little group of friends you are, sarcasm intended, you all decided to have a small dinner over at the Salvatores'. Damon had texted you to come an hour early to help him and Stefan with the preparations at their place.

Here you were, calling out for him and he was nowhere to be seen. You take out your cellphone and search for Damon in your contacts. When you call him, you hear his phone ringing in his bedroom. Quickly, you make your way upstairs and reach his room. Lightly knocking, you enter the room and find Damon in the bathroom. Steam is pouring out from underneath the door and loud music is blasting from in there. It doesn't come as a surprise when you hear Damon singing along.

You cross the room in large strides and twist the door knob of the bathroom. When you discover it's unlocked, you quietly open it only to be greeted by a strong wave of heat and mist and ear splitting music. Damon is in the far corner of his humongous bathroom still oblivious to your presence.

"Goddamit Damon." You say, with a raised voice and a frustrated sigh.

Immediately, Damon reaches over to turn off the music and turns around to see who emitted the sound. When he spots you, a smile stretches over his lips. "Y/N!" He grins. "You're here! And wow you look pretty as hell." He whistles and makes a show of stepping back and looking at you, up and down.

You roll your eyes at him and he makes his way over to you at the door of his bathroom. He has a towel draped around his waist and his barely noticeable curls are wet with water and hanging over his forehead, meaning he just got out of the shower. The air is thick with his cologne and the scent gets stronger as he nears you.

"We are so going to be late. Get ready quick." You say, worrying and trying not to get thrilled by how beautiful he looked. As you turn to leave the bathroom so he can change, Damon grabs your wrist and turns you so you're facing him. You look up into his eyes. Your faces are inches away, his fingers tracing a line of warm electricity down your jaw. You gaze into his striking and intense blue eyes as he leans in and captures you in a warm kiss. You put your arms around his neck and bring him closer to you to deepen the kiss while his hands roam on your back.

When you both pull away, "You forgot that." Damon winks at you.

You give him a cheeky smile before going out and closing the door behind you.

Laughing to yourself, you sit on Damon's bed intending to wait for him when you hear Stefan out in the hallway.

"Oh hey, Y/N, thank God you're here." Stefan says, walking into Damon's room.

You stand up and walk towards him with a smile on your face. "Yeah, I came here to help with stuff but apparently the guy is still showering." You say with a light chuckle.

"Damon tends to get ready at the last moment." Stefan says, his hands rubbing the back of his neck. "Come on downstairs, I was going to prepare sandwiches. Wanna help?" He asks. Without waiting for an answer, "Ofcourse you'll help me." He laughs, grabbing your hand and smiling fondly when you shake your head and laugh.

As he leads you downstairs towards the kitchen, the both of you make your way towards the kitchen counter. You find that Stefan already has everything arranged. You begin to help him make his sandwiches.

After 5 minutes or so, Damon heads down, rubbing his wet hair with a towel. He is dressed in a simple black t-shirt, matching black jeans and a black jacket.

Damon Salvatore ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now