i23 (i)

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imagine that your abusive ex appears in town (i)
[note: you are human]

Happiness is in the moment, the more focused the more intense, like a beam of light to the soul. And just as with well focused light, it is then we find better resolution.

And you were happy. Sitting in one of the booths of Mystic Grill in the afternoon with Damon, Stefan and Elena, laughing the time away was what you considered to be your happiness. Damon had an arm around you as you squeezed onto his side, despite the fact that there was plenty of space at your end. In front of you sat Stefan and Elena, equally happy as the four of you engaged in conversations about movies and what the creepy old lady was doing in the corner of the bar.

Yes, people always said life was cruel. Maybe it was. But, you didn't quite expect such a turn of events. It happened very quickly. 

Grinning at a remark Elena had made, your gaze had caught on to a man that had just arrived at the Grill. Dressed in a simple black hoodie and some grey sweatpants, he seemed utterly and truly normal. His back was towards you so you didn't take much notice of him and thus, your attention drifted back to what Damon had begun to say.

"God, yes! The 40's was truly amazing." Damon smirked, rubbing your shoulder and bringing you closer into him.

You laughed. "Because you got to strut around in your leather jackets?" You looked up at him, mocking fake enthusiasm and blinking your eyes rapidly. He rolled his eyes at you but smiled all the same.

"No stupid. Jeep was invented then."

"Are you calling me stupid?" You fake gasped, bringing a hand to rest on your heart, attempting to portray heartbreak.

"Now I'm calling you stupid and deaf." Damon grinned, lightly kissing the bridge of your nose as you playfully slapped his chest.

Then Elena said something and you couldn't quite focus your attention to her. Your mind drifted to the same old man who entered the Grill. There was nothing wrong with him but it sent a sense of caution spiralling in your heart.  You attempted to locate him in the bar and found him sitting on one of the bar stools — his back still towards you. There was something puzzling about the man, even though you hadn't seen more than his back, but there was something you couldn't quite place your finger on. And thus, you had to see.

Stefan was in the middle of something when you suddenly called out loud.

Shooting an apologetic look at him, "Excuse me for a second, I need to go the restroom."

You ignored Damon as you struggled your way out of the booth. You could feel his lingering and piercing gaze on your back as you moved forward.

Thankfully, the way to the restroom meant that you had to pass the front bar and could get a good look of where he was. As you reached the bar, the feeling at the pit of your stomach began to grow. Was it dread? Or was it just the plentiful amount of food you had today?

You did not know how you'd get him to turn around. Should you approach him? Or try to get a better look? You quickly decided that you'd talk to him and act as if it was the wrong person you had approached. It was still beyond your understanding what you were looking for. But you knew you had to see who this man was.

You went near and cleared your throat. "Excuse me?"

And then he turned around. Your mouth delivered a gasp and you stumbled backwards unable to comprehend the situation. Suddenly you began to regret all your life choices.

You knew this face by heart. The small hazel eyes. The messy black untameable curls. The scar on top of his left eyebrow. He was surprised at first too. But, he recovered quickly. His face set in a smile. A malicious smile. His eyes turned dark.

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