Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I felt the sand first, then a crab skittering over my fingers. The sun was warming my skin as I rolled onto my stomach and pushed myself up. The ocean reflected the sun in my eyes, and I was momentarily blinded. I got up and brushed the sand off my clothes. Except they weren't my clothes, I was wearing a black tank top, a matching pair of spandex leggings and some combat boots. Everything was most likely fashioned to suit the environment. I nearly tripped over a black bag behind me. Digging around inside I found dried fruit and meat, a knife, a rope, a jacket, and a small first aid kit. Shoving it all back and grabbing a pack of meat. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I ate a piece.

I didn't know how long I would be alone so i decided to ration my food, that is until a twig cracked behind me, and I swear I face staring at me through the bushes of the jungle, their green eyes glowing against their skin. "Wait!" I yell, throwing the bag over my shoulder and sprinting after those eyes, "Who are you?".

As we ran deeper into the jungle I noticed a new found strength in my legs. Suddenly in a large clearing, I whirled, pulling out my knife and twirling it in my hands, just like I did with my throwing knife back home.

"Hello?" I say gasping for air after our run,"I'm not going to hurt you"

Oh, yeah Tillie, your mystery person will definitely come out now! It's not like your twirling a knife or anything. The little voice in my head said. Sighing, I tucked the knife into the side pocket of my backpack. Then I was shoved to the ground, a rock cutting my forehead. I shove my attacker off of me, pushing my arms under me, and hitting them on the side of the head with my fist. Just like more aggressive wrestling, this time I could punch, kick, bite, and stab them. Standing up, I realize the rock cut their knee. They flipped over, facing me

"You bitch," they yelled, gasping for air as I put a foot on their chest. There was too much blood on their face to easily tell who they were. Mine or theirs, I couldn't tell.

"Who the hell are you?" I say, blinking the blood out of my eyes, a headache forming near my cut.

"Tillie, really? Don't you recognize me? So much for being friends, huh?"

"Shit, Kirklyn." I rasped out, finally recognizing him when he wiped the blood off his face "Why didn't you tell me by the beach?"

"What?" Kirklyn said pushing himself up onto his elbows "I haven't been near the beach since yesterday"

He wasn't lying, his eyes were blue, not the green I saw earlier. He was wearing black track pants and a tank top. His shark tooth necklace dangling around his neck.The last thing his brother had given to him before joining the army.

"How did you get that in"

"I told them if they took it I would kill every single Gifted I met" He said, standing up

"That's harsh"

"It worked"

"How many others have woken up?"

"Everyone, apparently other schools are part of this to"

"What is the plan here, population control, controlling the students?"

"Not a clue, I can take you back to camp though, maybe your mystery person will be there, besides, John has been looking for you for a while."

"When did he wake up?"

"He was the first. They didn't get as much stuff in him as the rest of us"

"Of course they didn't"

We didn't talk much after that, which was fine, I was still trying to figure out whose eyes they were, and why they ran away. They could have been Zoie's. But why would she run? Before I could think any more about the matter, I smelled burning metal and cooking meat. Realizing how hungry I still was, I walked faster, now beside Kirklyn. John's voice brought tears to my eyes, he was talking to himself. I bolted through the trees, tripping over a branch on the way. I heard Kirklyn chuckle.

"Shut up, prick,"I say, half crawling toward the campsite.

I must have said it louder than I intended, because John is above me in a second, pulling me onto my feet and into his chest. Before I can think my arms are wrapped around his, and he's breathing heavy.

"She's the last one on the south beach, alive at least," Kirklyn said, emerging from the trees.

"People have been found dead?" I question, pulling away from John,

"Or close enough they don't make it back to the town," he answers, frowning down at me.

"So that's four out of five right? The twins and you two." Kirklyn said,

"Zoie hasn't been found?" I asked, stepping back.

"I'm sorry Tillie, someone said they saw her, but when we went to were they said, she was gone" Kirklyn answered, walking closer to the center of the camp. Following him, I get a good look at the campsite. There's a fire in the center, with a couple of sleeping bags around it. A navy military vehicle was parked on what looked like a dirt road weaving through the trees.

"We should treat your cut" Kirklyn turning around to face me and walking towards the vehicle.

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