Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I hadn't seen the knife until it clattered to the ground, the blood of the boy dripping onto the stones from were one of Tillie's arrows went through his skin. Through his bones. Before the others could react to the fact that their leader had just been shot, another arrow went through the throat of one, then Kirklyn jumped out of the shadows behind another one, the final one found his knife embedded in his throat. Tina was pulling me away to face her, but I couldn't stop looking at where Tillie jumped off the roof and rushed to Zain. The fire was still burning, but it was low enough that Tillie could jump over it. Any cuts my brother had were covered by ice to stop the bleeding. Tillie wrapped Zain's arm around her shoulder and groaned under his weight. Kirklyn rushed over to help, dumping water he had found over the flames.

Kirklyn came to lift Zain over to where we were waiting. Zain was trying to get his wings out, but nothing came except small spurts of water "Too hot." He said, gripping Tillie's shoulder. As small drops of water replaced the ice and pooled at his feet. People flooded out of alleyways and half-ruined shops, and one of them, an older girl, followed by two boys, gestured for us to follow her into one of the stores that had survived. She had her curly red hair tied up in a bun on top of her head, her body had a motherly look to it. She was wearing a simple blue dress and a flour-covered apron. As she opened the door to her store, a small bell rang, and the smell of pastries wafted out. The store was full of pastries and treats, it's walled painted a pale green, with white and pink curtains, she let us into the kitchen in the back, it's great stone oven taking up a majority of the space, besides the thick door on the opposite wall. The girl started making gestures with her hands, and one of the boys stepped up to translate. "The freezer is through those doors, shove him in there" he looked back at the girl, as she made more gestures with her hands. His sister then, judging how they had the same curly red hair. "While we wait, you two can get cleaned up" She pointed to the sink at the far end of the wall, where Tillie and Kirklyn walked too. She turned around, tsked her teeth, and touched the bleeding boy's forehead, and a warm light flowed from her hand. When she took her hand away, his cut was gone, but the blood was still there. She shoved him toward the sink and Tillie stared at his forehead

"You have healing powers," she said softly, almost awestruck, and she just pinned a dudes hand to his thigh with an arrow "There are minor powers then."

"Cassidy, how many other minor powers have you seen?" Kirklyn asked as he finished scrubbing the blood off of his nails.

Cassidy held up eight fingers and pulled a paper from her apron pocket. Several names, several powers. This just added more complications to the list.

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