Chapter 5: Escape Plan

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Jeffrey peeked by the entrance to see that the hermits are the only ones in the cafeteria. Perfect.

"Hey Jeff" somebody called quietly from behind. Jeffrey turned around to see Mark behind her.

"The officers are now being led to a wild goose chase around town. It even helps that a lot of criminals are out" he reported.

"Perfect" Jeffrey just smirked evilly as she peeked back out again. They are still there.

"Are you sure this would work?" Mark asked with doubt.

"When did my plans never worked?" Jeffrey countered.

"Never, but the thing is, this is really a big plan of yours. How are you going to do it?"

"They first have to gain our trust. After that, we'll see how our Robloxians react to their betrayal afterwards"

"That's really mischievous of you. I'll go back to – "

"No, stay here and keep my guard"


Jeffrey smirked once more as she put on her act.

The hermits were gloomily eating their lunch as they watched some prisoners pass by.

"Looks like they accept their fate now" the big bully teased from the table beside them. The hermits just rolled their eyes and ignored them.

"Hey! Look at us when we humiliate you!" his friend said.

"And what happens if we don't?" Xisuma asked flatly.

"You'll all pay" the big guy cracked his knuckles. "It's your fate now"

"Well, let me change that fate for ya" a girl's voice said from behind. They all turned to see a girl leaning on the entrance by the shadows.

The two boys just laughed. "You?! What could a little girl do to – oh" they stopped when the girl stepped out of the shadows. There's something off about this girl. She scared the bullies like it was nothing.

"You were saying?" she asked as she smirked.The two just backed away muttering a bunch of things. When they were sure they couldn't see them, they both started screaming like little girls, regretting their life choices.

The girl whistled. "Well, that was easy enough"

"Who are you?" Grian asked.

"Glad you asked" the girl did a curtsey. "Jeffrey"

Grian just raised an eyebrow.

"Soo Jeffrey" Scar started, "why did you do that?"

"Did what?"

"You scaring them like it was nothing?" Ren added.

"Oh that. Well – " Jeffrey said as she moved closer to the hermits' table, "I am going to help you"

Doc just scoffed. "I don't believe it. Last time we let somebody 'help' us, they led us back here!" he exclaimed.

"Sorry about Doc, he's just being cautious, that's all" Joe apologized.

"Nah, don't fret about it. You think I could scare those goons if I wasn't used to it?" The hermits just looked at each other.

Jeffrey sighed. "Look if you want to get out, just trust me. Ok? Good" she said as she made her way to the door.

"Well? Are you guys following or not?"

The hermits looked at each other before following her albeit reluctantly.

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