Chapter 11: End of Her Reign

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Roblox Lobby

Sarah and Photon exited the tunnel laughing.

"Did you see her face when you jumped down? It's amazing!" Photon exclaimed. The rest of the group smiled at their antics.

"I say Mission Succesful lads" Four stated, bringing his hand for a hand fist, the others looking at him weirdly.

"You didn't even do anything" Grian pointed out.

"We brought them here" Four argued, pointing to the heroes.

"I still don't understand why we're even helping you. You're criminals! We don't help criminals!" Inferno exclaimed, his eyes boiling with anger.

"But we help a friend" Photon countered. Inferno looks as if he wanted to respond, but kept his mouth shut. The other heroes laughed amongst themselves.

"Thanks for helping us. We don't know how we could ever repay you" Xisuma thanked.

"It's nothing. That's what friends do right?" Kate said.

The hermits just smiled at them, when all of a sudden, they heard a roar. The group looked around to see Jeffrey looking as angry as ever, her hair sticking out on all sides.

"So you helped them escape. Fine then. No more nice Jeffrey" she said awfully calm. Then a sword appeared out nowhere and she charged towards them.

Everyone jumped out of the way, the heroes flying upwards. They fired towards Jeffrey, but she just deflected them with her sword. Jeffrey smirked as she directed one ray towards Voltron. Voltron swayed and crashed in the middle of the lobby.

Jeffrey laughed evilly as she approached the dazed hero. "Silly Voltron. Have you forgotten that I control everything in Roblox? I could strip your powers easily. But this is more fun" she taunted, raising the sword above the hero. Voltron is too dazed to move out of the way.

Iskall saw what is happening and jumped on Jeffrey, causing her to loose balance. He grabbed the sword out from her and jumped out of the way.

"Wait a second, this is my sword!" He exclaimed, studying the blade. The words "Iskallibur" we're inscripted on it.

Jeffrey stood up and whistled, her guards coming out to attack the others.

"Bring it on!" Iskall challenged, advancing towards the other guards. Jeffrey giggled evilly and charged towards Iskall while he was distracted.

"Iskall! Look out!" Voltron croaked weakly.

Iskall turned around just in time as Jeffrey brought her sword down. He blocked it with his own sword.

"What's wrong Iskall? I thought PVP is your thing?" Jeffrey taunted. Iskall struggled, kneeling down as he tried to keep his sword up.

Jeffrey smiled and grabbed Iskall's sword with her left hand and kicked him in the gut. Iskall went flying through the others and crashed in front of some Robloxians passing by.

Soon, more Robloxians began to gather around the lobby, some helping Iskall up despite being a criminal to them.

"Are you ok sir?" One Robloxian asked. Iskall grunted in response, too dazed to properly answer.

Everyone turned around when they heard a scream. Jeffrey was charging towards them, Robloxian or not, and blasted the ground in front of them with a staff she didn't have before.

"Fools! How dare you all help them! YOU WILL PAY!!" she bellowed, her face becoming more twisted with anger. She raised her staff and a storm suddenly formed in the lobby. People began panicking, but the hermits, Quintuple Trouble, Royale High Peeps and the Heroes stayed strong.

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